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I would like a feed back letter about this essay responding to…

I would like a feed back letter about this essay responding to these questions:

What works in this piece? What aspects of the piece are most successful or effective, and why?
What is your overall impression of this piece? What message or effect do you come away with? What appears to be the writer’s purpose or goal?
Why does it matter? In other words, what does the writer do to establish why the subject matters? Do you have suggestions for how the writer can demonstrate the importance of the subject?
What does the writer do to establish the timeliness, or kairos, of the writing? Do you have suggestions for how the writer could establish why the subject matters now?
What audience is invoked by the writer? Who does the writer seem to be writing to, and why? How do you know?
Where in the piece could the writer appeal to readers more effectively? What specific strategies might work better to reach readers?
What other specific suggestions to expansion, enhancement, or improvement can you offer?

                                                                                          Human Rights
Human rights are a relatively modern concept; in the past decades of the 21st century, it has gotten much attention. As much as various people’s opinions are different and incredibly concerning what human rights constitute, most modern world citizens do believe that everyone at least needs to have the most basic rights. In this work, I will examine the concept of human rights briefly by discussing in detail what I regard as the basic rights of human beings. To make a great discussion, I intend to group these rights and talk about the effects of violating them.
As part of my basic personal right, I can think whatever crosses my mind without any persecution or hindrance. This means that I am free to think in a manner that I please, with no one telling me I need to think in a particular manner. For instance, my work managers should not tell me to think in a given manner. Since whatever I am thinking is none of their business. Moreover, it is my right to tell people what is on my mind and my opinion in regard to a given issue. And that they should respect my silence, too, if I decide not to talk. For instance, I have the right to remain silent in the presence of a police officer, lawyer or even judge. Possessing my right to think assists in preserving my identity; this, in the long run, ensures that I do not get myself into trouble in any way in case I am caught in a compromising situation. In case I am denied this right, they might rather lock me in prison; this is due to the fact that I rarely conform to the idea that I can have freedom if denied to air my thoughts.
To define human rights, I will not major in gender and will borrow some definitions. Therefore, Human rights can be defined as “the rights to health, life and freedom to which all people are entitled because they are human beings.” Most of the issues concerning human rights are a result of the idea that they are not adhered to globally by particular states. Several discussions have also been held regarding rights, including social and economic rights. Even if the United States government has seen these as not having similar fundamental status as political rights, some countries, particularly developing countries, tend to disagree. From a wider perspective of human rights, a lot of stress is put on the right to work, social security, adequate food, health and good houses (Porter, 2020).
Human rights refer to “those privileges and rights held to belong to any person regardless of any provision that may exist or may not exist for them in their justice system; this is because, as human beings, there are certain things that they might not be prohibited to engage in by any government.” This is precisely what the lists entail on these given rights or justifications as to why people have entitlements to them and that they differ from person to person. Human rights are, therefore, rights to which all persons have entitlement because they are humans living with other human beings in society. These include; the individual’s right to liberty, life and security (Porter, 2020). 
Other features that have been added by human rights activists include inviolable, unbreakable and mutual human rights, hence offering them a dimension that is quite vital and fundamental. It is quite visible when perusing these descriptions that even in the absence of gender and development, and beyond the ultimate questions illustrated by the descriptions alone, the idea of human rights hides various pressure and complexities arising from these definitions and is the lack of general respect by the government and the overall observation for human rights, this, therefore, brings the question of, if these rights turn out to be essential as claimed by the various descriptions, how comes most of the time, these rights are being violated regularly by both state and non-state individuals in all states, at what point or the other- does this indicate that there exist differences like no compatibility between personal human rights and the actual state or societal environment in which all people, more or less, find they are in since the time that they were born?
Another quite captivating definition is the one from the political science dictionaries and hence is not based on rights; human rights are identified by being put against various states. Human rights, in most cases, mark all people as free and equal; this is irrespective of their age and gender, religion or even the country they come from. The United Nations incorporated human rights in light of the things most people went through in the second world war. On the 10th of December 1948, the general assembly of the U.N. incorporated the Universal Declaration of human rights (UDHR). This adoption recognised human rights as the basis for freedom, justice and peace for each person (Porter, 2020). As much as it does not bind legally, most nations use these human rights in their various domestic justice frameworks and even their constitutions. Human rights act as a safeguard for all from being discriminated against, and it guarantees that the most basic needs of citizens are protected. 
Since these rights are protected by law, they can be applied anywhere and at any time. Fundamental human rights are the right to life, personal security, right to own property, right to education, right to marriage and creation of a family, right of association, right to nationality, freedom from discrimination, freedom from slavery, freedom of thought, freedom to worship and religion, freedom to think, right of opinion, freedom of movement, right of information, right to adequate standards of living, freedom from interference with privacy, family and even home (Porter, 2020). Each individual has value and dignity. One of the ways through which we recognize the important worth of each individual is through acknowledging and having respect for their human rights. Human rights are a set of principles that are concerned with fairness and equality. Recognizing people’s freedom to make certain life choices and develop their human potential. Human rights can therefore be described as” the basic rights that people globally have accepted are vital; these human rights are similar for everyone everywhere, male and female, privileged and less privileged, aged and young, despite their backgrounds, their residence, their thoughts and beliefs. human rights connect all people since they share a set of responsibilities and rights depending on other people respecting those rights” (Porter, 2020). This translates that human rights include duties and responsibilities towards the community and even other people. Most people, therefore, have a role to make sure that they exercise their various rights as they put into consideration the rights of other people. For example, when a person utilizes their right to speak freely, they need to do so not interfering with other people’s right to privacy.
Governments also have a role in making sure people can significantly have their rights. Therefore, they need to put in place and maintain the regulations and services that make people happy in their way of living whereby their rights are protected and respected. For instance, the right to education says all people are entitled to have a good education. Hence governments have a role in offering good quality education tools and services to their citizens. If the government does not protect or respect their basic human rights, people can hold it accountable. Having tolerance, respect, and equality can reduce social friction. Incorporating various human rights into practice can assist people develop the kind of society they are in. There have been great improvements in how people think about and apply various human rights ideas in the past years. This kind of improvement has therefore had several good results. Knowing well on matters human rights can motivate people and solve certain issues.
Human rights form a crucial part of how people relate with others regardless of their social status- the family, school, workplace, community, politics and even international relations. Hence, it is important that people all over work hard to know what human rights entail; when people have a good understanding of human rights, it will be very easy for them to enhance justice and the well-being of the community. Given that the subject is increasingly becoming important, it is therefore crucial that various educational centers recognize the topic of human rights as an independent subject. The content of the course and curriculum of the human rights subject may differ according to the nature and situations of a given institution. In general, despite all that, it needs to entail the rights of a child, minority rights, rights of the needy, and rights of the disabled, right to live, convention on women, trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation (Series, 2019).
Upon the formation of the United Nations, the promotion and protection of human rights have been its focus. The United Nations has developed a variety of mechanisms for checking violations of human rights. The mechanisms used conventionally include organizations and treaties, U.N special reporters, working groups, representatives and even experts. Human rights violations are quite rampant in despotic and totalitarian states. In theocratic nations, there exists a lot of persecution and even breaches of religion, and minorities tend to suffer most time. Even in democracies, many violations and infringements of various human rights and freedom exist. Most people who fall victim are women, children and the weaker sections of society. Violation of the freedom and rights of people by the various terrorist groups supported by states is one of the most complex issues societies are facing. This type of violation should be condemned. Violations of human rights and freedom lead to little contentment, frustration, separations, and terrorist acts (Carriere, 2019).