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I would appreciate editing/ polishing and feedback on my essay. The…

I would appreciate editing/ polishing and feedback on my essay. The essay must draw diverse materials on human cognition, computers and networks together and make sense of them in terms of your own experience and professional aspirations. I also have to put these facts and concepts to work to show that you understand their importance, their structure and their relevance to personal and professional life in the digital age.

Key Concepts in Being Digital from My Perspective

Human Cognition:

In the world of starting and running a business, success doesn’t just come from planning well or having innovative products. It also comes from understanding how people think. Human cognition, which involves how we understand things, make choices, and handle the challenges of business, became clear to me when I started selling digital art online during high school. Right from the beginning, how I saw things directed what I sold and how I connected with different people. This part looks into how my experiences connect with basic aspects of human thinking, like how we see things, make choices, remember, and solve problems. As we navigate through the challenges of business, understanding how people think becomes crucial. It affects how we lead others and how we communicate within our team and with customers. First of all, I will delve into human cognition, exploring how cognitive processes influence entrepreneurial decisions.


In navigating the operations of my online art shop, the concept of selective attention proved to be a crucial cognitive mechanism. Selective attention involves concentrating on a specific object or task while disregarding distractions and irrelevant information. This cognitive tool became instrumental in steering through intricate business decisions. It allowed me to filter through diverse considerations, including product design, pricing strategies, and customer interactions, ensuring a focused and efficient approach to decision-making. Acknowledging the relevance of selective attention in the context of supply chain management, where the goal is to enhance competitiveness by minimizing costs, improving efficiency, and reducing waste, became evident. The application of selective attention seamlessly extended to the supply chain processes of my art shop, starting from sourcing high-quality materials. This approach facilitated a meticulous evaluation of suppliers’ reliability and product quality, reflecting the cognitive strategy of filtering information. The journey continued through the manufacturing stage, ensuring each step contributed to the creation of a product aligned with customer expectations. In distribution, the application of selective attention guided the choice of optimal channels, minimized transportation costs, and streamlined delivery processes. The strategic use of selective attention in the supply chain, akin to an artist’s focus on details, emerged as a linchpin in refining processes and contributing to the overall success of the business. This cognitive tool, when applied to supply chain intricacies, became integral to steering the course toward improved competitiveness and sustainable business practices.


Navigating the intricacies of my online art shop, the cognitive concept of selective attention emerged as a guiding principle in making business decisions. It involves focusing on specific elements while disregarding distractions, ensuring a streamlined approach to complex tasks. A notable example comes from the world of psychology known as the “Gorilla Basketball” experiment. Similarly, in managing my art shop, the principles of selective attention were applied to marketing and customer engagement strategies. Much like the unexpected appearance of a gorilla in the basketball experiment, businesses often face unexpected challenges or opportunities. Understanding the limits of attention and perception allows for a more nuanced approach to marketing. As awareness of certain visual tricks grows, their impact diminishes. Therefore, strategies in marketing and product presentation must evolve to maintain freshness and novelty. This is akin to the principle of selective attention, where understanding cognitive processes helps in crafting strategies that captivate and engage customers. The art of entrepreneurship, then, lies not only in the creation of products but also in the thoughtful consideration of how they are presented and perceived, embracing the dynamic nature of attention and cognition in the ever-evolving landscape of business.


In the intricate process of managing my online art shop, the cognitive concept of selective attention played a pivotal role, guiding decisions through the complexities of business operations. This nuanced ability to focus on crucial details amid various considerations ensured efficiency and effectiveness. However, as I ventured into promoting my art through public speaking engagements, another cognitive limitation became apparent — the Magic Number 7. It is a cognitive concept suggesting that individuals have a limited capacity to process information—approximately seven items. As I engaged in promoting my digital artwork, the relevance of this cognitive limitation became evident in the realm of crafting impactful speeches. Understanding that our cognitive capacity has constraints, particularly in processing information during a speech, prompted me to adopt strategies to enhance communication effectiveness. Rather than overwhelming the audience with an excess of information, I learned to chunk information, breaking it into smaller, more manageable segments. This approach not only aligned with the principles of cognitive efficiency but also allowed me to convey messages that were concise, memorable, and impactful. The experience of adapting to the Magic Number 7 in the context of public speaking mirrored the cognitive realities individuals face in processing information. As I translated this understanding into my entrepreneurial endeavors, especially in supply chain management, I recognized its applicability in conveying complex information in a comprehensible manner. In the intricate network of supply chain processes, communicating essential details within the cognitive constraints of stakeholders proved crucial. This cognitive strategy of segmenting information has become an invaluable tool, ensuring that messages are clear, accessible, and contribute to informed decision-making. The Magic Number 7, once a theoretical concept, transformed into a practical guide, aiding in the crafting of speeches and communication strategies that resonate both in the realm of digital art and the intricate dynamics of supply chain management.


Expanding on the understanding of cognitive processes in my entrepreneurial journey, the Iyengar Jam Study brought forth valuable insights into curating choices for customers. Building on the principles of selective attention and the Magic Number 7, this study explored the impact of too many choices on decision-making. Just as selective attention guides focus on critical details, and the Magic Number 7 shapes the limits of information retention, the Iyengar Jam Study highlighted the potential pitfalls of offering an abundance of choices. When presented with too many options, customers may experience decision fatigue, leading to indecision or dissatisfaction with their choices. This cognitive phenomenon became particularly relevant as I managed the product range in my art shop. Simplifying and curating choices aligned with the cognitive principles of selective attention and the Magic Number 7, ensuring that customers could navigate options without feeling overwhelmed. Recognizing the delicate balance between offering variety and avoiding decision paralysis is crucial in entrepreneurship. This cognitive perspective underscores the importance of thoughtfully curating product offerings, presenting a selection that captures attention, aligns with cognitive constraints, and enhances the overall customer experience in the dynamic marketplace.


Computer fundamentals:


Through the journey of my small business, I couldn’t help but notice how the inner workings of my online art shop seemed to echo the fundamental principles of computer science. It struck me that the basics governing computers resonated remarkably with the day-to-day operations of my entrepreneurial venture.


In the maze of running my online art shop, the Abstraction Concept emerges as a pivotal force, akin to a guiding principle in computer science, subtly influencing the user interface design of my small business. In the realm of computer fundamentals, abstraction refers to the practice of simplifying complex processes to enhance understanding and functionality. This concept becomes palpable in the design ethos of my online platform, where intricate backend operations seamlessly translate into a user-friendly interface. The art lies in distilling complex procedures, ensuring that customers can navigate effortlessly without being overwhelmed by the intricacies happening behind the scenes. This abstraction concept, wielded in the realm of computer science to enhance usability, finds a tangible counterpart in my small business, where the user interface design becomes the bridge between intricate operational machinery and the end-user experience.


In essence, the Abstraction Concept is the architect behind the intuitive design of my online art shop, ensuring that the complexities of inventory management, transaction processing, and website navigation are streamlined into an accessible and visually coherent user interface. It’s the art of simplification at play, where intricate algorithms and coding are encapsulated within a design that speaks the language of the user. As I reflect on the parallel between this computer fundamental and the day-to-day operations of my small business, I recognize that the success of the user interface design lies not just in its aesthetic appeal but in its ability to abstract complex processes, providing customers with a seamless and enjoyable experience while engaging with my art shop. The Abstraction Concept emerges as a silent force, shaping the interaction between my business and its patrons, ensuring that the digital complexity behind the scenes doesn’t overshadow the simplicity and accessibility customers experience on the surface.


As I confront the inevitability of Moore’s Law reaching its limits, I find an unexpected parallel between the trajectory of this fundamental computing concept and the growth patterns of my small business. Moore’s Law, which posits that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years, has been a driving force behind the exponential growth in computing power. However, the physical constraints of transistor technology are signaling a potential end to this era of rapid advancement. Strikingly, this concept mirrors the evolution of my business since its inception. When I first opened my online art shop, sales grew gradually, reflecting the slow initial strides of early computer generations. Just as the first computers faced limitations that impeded rapid progress, my business encountered hurdles that temporarily slowed its ascent. Yet, akin to the transformative leaps seen in subsequent computer generations, my business experienced a sudden acceleration, reaching a peak in sales that mirrored the surge in computational power driven by Moore’s Law.


However, much like the foreseen challenges to Moore’s Law, my business has encountered a plateau, with sales hitting a maximum that, as of now, remains unconquered. This convergence of trajectories prompts reflection on the cyclical nature of growth in both computing and business realms. The analogy extends beyond mere coincidence, presenting a thought-provoking insight into the shared patterns of limitation and adaptation. Just as the physical limits of transistor technology impose constraints on Moore’s Law, my business faces constraints inherent in its market and operational dynamics. This parallelism serves as a poignant reminder that, in the journey of entrepreneurship, periods of rapid growth may eventually reach a threshold, demanding a nuanced understanding of limitations and a strategic recalibration of assumptions. The interplay between the constraints of Moore’s Law and the growth trajectory of my business underscores the inherent challenges in sustaining exponential growth and the imperative of adapting strategies to navigate changing landscapes.


In navigating the digital landscape of my online art shop, the significance of digital encryption emerges as a formidable shield against the ever-looming threat of cyber vulnerabilities. Digital encryption, akin to a robust fortress for sensitive information, employs complex algorithms to transform data into an unreadable format, ensuring secure transmission and storage. This powerful concept, deeply rooted in computer science, finds its parallel in the safeguarding measures implemented in my small business. In essence, just as digital encryption shields sensitive data from unauthorized access in the digital realm, my online art shop employs security protocols to protect customer information, transactional data, and proprietary business details. The imperative of ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of digital communications and transactions is a shared concern between the principles of digital encryption and the safeguarding practices crucial for the trust and longevity of my business.


The power of digital encryption manifests not only in the protection of data but also in the establishment of a trustworthy environment for customers. As transactions occur in the virtual realm, the assurance that sensitive information remains confidential becomes paramount. This alignment between the principles of digital encryption and the security infrastructure of my online art shop accentuates the profound intersection between theoretical computer science concepts and their tangible applications in the day-to-day operations of a small business. The resonance is not just in the sophistication of algorithms but in the shared commitment to building a secure foundation that fosters customer trust and business resilience. As I reflect on the power of digital encryption within the framework of my business, it becomes apparent that this fundamental concept is not merely an abstract notion but a practical necessity in the contemporary landscape of digital entrepreneurship, where the protection of information is synonymous with the sustainability of the business itself.


Internet fundamentals:

In the vast expanse of the digital realm, the fundamentals of the Internet weave a complex tapestry that underpins our interconnected, technologically driven world. 


The way the Internet system operates, with its inputs and outputs, closely resembles how my online art business functions. In the digital realm, inputs represent various elements like creating artwork, planning marketing campaigns, and interacting with customers – all feeding into the inner workings of the business. As an entrepreneur, these inputs are like the data packets moving through the business, going through different stages, much like the routing and processing in the broader Internet system. Managing an online shop requires a good understanding of these inputs, making sure they fit well with the digital setup and align smoothly with the desired results.


Conversely, the results in my online art business, such as successful transactions and happy customers, can be seen as outputs. These outputs, similar to the data being transmitted and processed on the Internet, contribute to the overall success and functioning of the business. Understanding this connection between inputs and outputs is crucial – it’s like maintaining a delicate balance within the broader Internet structure. As I navigate the intricacies of my online art business, recognizing how inputs and outputs work together becomes a strategic necessity. It guides decision-making, streamlines processes, and builds a dynamic system that adapts to the ever-changing digital landscape. The similarity between the Internet system’s input-output dynamics and my business’s operational framework highlights a significant intersection. Here, grasping and leveraging this connection is essential for continuous growth and resilience.


In summary, this exploration not only highlights the significance, structure, and relevance of human cognition, computer fundamentals, and Internet fundamentals but also sheds light on how they can profoundly shape personal and professional paths. The insights gained from this journey act as a guiding force for my future interest in entrepreneurship and management.