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BarristerAtom7610 I need you to annotate this whole essay digitally.. Politics and…Image transcription textPolitics and the English Language George Orwell 1946 Mostpeople who bother with the matter at all would admit that theEnglish language is in a bad way, but it is generally assu… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textexperience ever more bitter in each year, more alien [sic] to thefounder of that Jesuit sect which nothing could induce him totolerate. Professor Harold Laski (Essay in Freedom of … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textNight’s Dream — as gentle as any sucking dove. A virile newBritain cannot continue indefinitely to be traduced in the eyes orrather ears, of the world by the effete languorousgha… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textOperators or verbal false limbs. These save the trouble of pickingout appropriate verbs and nouns, and at the same time pad eachsentence with extra syllables which give it an appeara… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhite Guard, etc.) consists largely of words translated fromRussian, German, or French; but the normal way of coining a newword is to use Latin or Greek root with the appropriat… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textneither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men ofunderstanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chancehappeneth to them all. Here it is in modern English: Ob… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textdon’t have to bother with the rhythms of your sentences sincethese phrases are generally so arranged as to be more or lesseuphonious. When you are composing in a hurry — wh… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textneed they will perform the important service of partiallyconcealing your meaning even from yourself. It is at this point thatthe special connection between politics and the debas… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textopponents when you can get good results by doing so.”Probably, therefore, he will say something like this: While freelyconceding that the Soviet regime exhibits certain feat… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textif one is constantly on guard against them, and every such phraseanesthetizes a portion of one’s brain. I said earlier that thedecadence of our language is probably curable. Those … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textor mixed images, all prefabricated phrases, needless repetitions,and humbug and vagueness generally. But one can often be indoubt about the effect of a word or a phrase, and one … Show more… Show moreI need you to annotate this whole essay digitally.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish