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I need to combine my ideas in a three-paragraph summary of the most…

I need to combine my ideas in a three-paragraph summary of the most important benefits of exercise. Please help 


Although exercise is espoused daily, less information has been dispersed regarding the underlying mechanisms causing these physiological changes. This article will examine and explain several mechanisms how exercise may influence several bodily processes.


Exercise training lowers resting heart rate by 5 to 25 beats per minute, which is thought to be due to an increase in parasympathetic activity with a minor decrease in sympathetic discharge.


The heart’s ventricles are able to accommodate more blood as the resting heart rate decreases, making the heart more efficient in meeting circulatory challenges at rest.


Regular moderate intensity physical activity may lower blood pressure by approximately 10 mm Hg. Resistance training may not be as effective in lowering blood pressure.


Aerobic exercise can lower blood pressure by reducing the levels of two hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine, which decrease the diameter of the smallest arteries, referred to as arterioles. This allows for less peripheral resistance to blood pressure.


Regular endurance training increases the efficiency of fat utilization because the aerobic energy system can produce energy using both carbohydrates and fats, and because the production of lactic acid is reduced, which allows more fatty acids to be delivered to the muscle for energy utilization.


Regular exercisers claim to have fewer infections and colds than sedentary counterparts, but it may not just be the result of exercise. Exercise may boost the immune system, or active people take better care of themselves, or there may be a natural buildup of antibodies as we age.


Regular strenuous exercise can actually have the opposite effect on the body’s immune system, increasing the likelihood of respiratory infection.


Exercise can help to maintain a higher bone mineral density and prevent age-related bone loss, which is a growing public health concern. Exercise can increase bone mass by stimulating bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-reabsorbing osteoclasts. However, even with a positive effect on bone mass, exercise is not a substitute for hormone therapy as a deterrent to bone loss, particularly during the first 5 years of menopause.


Exercise can help to reduce stress, improve coping mechanisms, reduce anxiety, depression and hostility, and increase general well-being and self-concept. There are several theories about how exercise can affect the mind. One theory states that exercise gives people a sense of mastery over self and their environment, which enhances self-concept, self-efficacy, reduces anxiety, and positively affects other personality variables. Folkins and Sime (1981) hypothesized that fitness training enhances a person’s ability to adapt and cope with the environment by slowing autonomic responses (i.e. heart rate, blood pressure) and decreasing somatic “turmoil”. However, chronic exercise training may actually decrease beta endorphin levels. Allen’s (1983) “detoxification” theory is another credible explanation for the relationship between exercise and mental health. The underlying mechanisms to these changes is speculative, but there is plenty of reason to be optimistic that this mystery will unfold.


Exercise may increase the risk of a cardiac event in individuals with underlying heart disease, but people with healthy cardiovascular systems are not at risk of sudden cardiac death from exercise. The importance of a progressive aerobic cool-down cannot be minimized.


Exercise can help people maintain a desirable level of body composition by increasing caloric output and unbalancing the energy balance equation, which facilitates weight loss and a desirable modification in body composition.


Resistance training can increase the body’s resting metabolic rate, which is directly proportional to lean body mass. A program combining aerobic activities with resistance training appears to be the best combined approach of using exercise in weight management programs