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i need more information based on this task also it should be around 750 words 





this is a marking rubric  for my task please follow this 


Addresses the questions and research

Creates a relevant response that is consistently supported with well-chosen research and/or examples. The response is clear and explains the topic in an accessible but detailed and accurate way.          


Paragraphs and transitions


Is focused and well organised, with effective use of transitions between ideas reflected in the essay structure and flow.

Written expression

Word Choice and grammatical conventions


Consistently exhibits variety in sentence structure and word choice.


Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation are few and do not interfere with understanding.


In-text citations, paraphrasing and reference list





THIS IS THE topic 

 Choose two events in the history of the English language and explain why they are significant in English’s evolution.







The development of the English language has been influenced by significant occasions that have occurred throughout its history. This article explores two pivotal historical moments that had a substantial impact on the development of the English language. The emergence of youth culture and its impact on language change, together with the acknowledgment of several Englishers and their cultural ramifications, are examples of how adaptable and dynamic the language is.

Body Paragraph 1: 
Youth Culture’s Influence According to Bucholtz (2000), the rise of young culture in the late 20th century changed language, dress, and music. Teenagers used language to express their emerging identities, which led to the development of several linguistic styles that were influenced by mass media. This incident showed how language can take in and communicate new ideas, which is a sign of a living language. Web-based communication has heightened the impact of young culture on language in the digital age, especially in online forums where novel linguistic forms proliferate.

The Power of Different Englishers, Paragraph 2:
The examination of linguistic variation in “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan is a powerful example. Tan’s experience juggling her mother’s “broken” English and conventional English highlights the complex link between language and identity. This story highlights how English is multifaceted and intertwined with emotional ties and cultural differences. The presence of several dialects as a consequence of the worldwide adoption of English challenges the idea of a uniform “correct” English and promotes inclusion.

Bidirectional Influence and Hybrid Forms in Body Paragraph 3:
Diverse Englishers have an equal impact on one another. Similar to how widely spoken English is, it incorporates components from different tongues and cultures to create hybrid English forms. English continues to be a dynamic and developing world language as a result of this mutually beneficial interaction (Trudgill, 2000). Modern civilizations are interrelated, which encourages linguistic cross-pollination and the formation of new language idioms.

Body Paragraph 4:
The Persistent Evolution of English Finally, the development of English is evidence of its tenacity and flexibility. The influence of young culture and the acceptance of many Englishers represent significant turning points in this development. These occurrences demonstrate the dynamic character of English and its capacity to reflect social changes and speaker identities. English has continued to evolve, connecting its history with a constantly shifting future as our globe becomes more linked via technology and society.






M. Bucholtz, 2000. Alternative Formats for Language and Youth Culture, American Speech, 75(3), 280-283.

P. Trudgill, 2000. Sociolinguistics: A Survey of Language and Society, Fourth Edition. UK Penguin.


Additional sources include:

1. D. Crystal (1997). Second edition of English as a Global Language. Press of Cambridge University.
2. (2012). Labov. American Dialect Diversity: The Politics of Language Evolution. Press of the University of Virginia.
3. Gordon, M., and Milroy, J. The method and interpretation of sociolinguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.