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i need help with an instructional plan for my student Madeline who…

i need help with an instructional plan for my student Madeline who is in the special education 2nd-grade class vocabulary plan this is for my sped 406. course 


the rubric is below 

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpecify the student (Frank, Ramon, Madeline)


  1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpecify the literacy skillWhich of the five skills identified by the National Reading Panel are you teaching in this lesson? For this class, you only need to choose from four: Phonics, Fluency, and Text Comprehension. We will not be doing a lesson for Phonemic Awareness in SPED 406.



  1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLesson ObjectiveThis single-lesson objective is not the same as an IEP goal. We’ll talk about it this semester, but in a nutshell, an IEP goal is for a WHOLE YEAR. You are writing an objective for just one lesson – anything from 20 minutes to 1 hour. You will write this single-lesson objective for JUST ONE READING SKILL. Keep your objective narrow. Put your objective in behavioral terms (what action you want to see the student DO). State the behavior(s) you will be able to observe (and assess) at the conclusion of the lesson. What do you want your student to be able to DO at the end of this lesson? Use an action verb that can be observed, such as say, point to, sound out, blend, decode, read, write, explain, define, match, and describe. Target ONLY ONE skill in this lesson. This objective is something that your student will be able to do after a single lesson. Finally, you MUST make your lesson measurable. Make sure you say exactly what the student must do in order to meet your lesson objective. Test yourself – can you collect data that proves she met or did not meet the objective?



  2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInstructional Sequence: MODEL (I do it)BEGIN by stating your objective TO YOUR STUDENT. Provide a purpose for learning. Tell them what you will do and why it is important. You might use quotation marks for this, and any other parts of the lesson you will say verbatim. Yes – it’s like writing a script for yourself. Remember, a lesson plan is a PLAN. We all sometimes need to make adaptations, but the better your PLAN, the better your lesson will be. ENEXT, explain how you will teach and model the skill. Make sure that your instruction is EXPLICIT – that is, STEP-BY-STEP. What will you (the teacher) do 1st, 2nd, 3rd… Also state how you will MODEL – how you will provide support through multiple modalities so that students can understand the process before they are asked to try it. Please add enough descriptive detail so that we can be clear what you are doing as you teach. (In other words, if you handed this to another person, could they implement your lesson?)



  5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInstructional Sequence: PROMPT (We do it)Explain how you will prompt student understanding as you teach. In this section, YOU the teacher are still in charge, but you are beginning to transfer the skill to the student. What questions will you ask to help them understand and confirm understanding? How will you encourage the children to participate and show their understanding? How will you correct misunderstandings?



  5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInstructional Sequence: CHECK (You do it)Describe how you will provide unprompted practice or discussion under your supervision. In order to learn a new skill, students need MULTPLE OPPORTINUTITES to practice it. How can you make that practice HANDS-ON, FUN, and also help them GENERALIZE their new skill by needing to apply it to slightly different tasks? If they begin to make errors, how will you provide corrective feedback? PLEASE – NO WORKSHEETS! NOTE: You will be graded on “fun-factor.”



  4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHow will you college Data/ Monitor Progress?What activity or product will you look at or collect to check their understanding of the lesson? Describe how you will assess whether or not students met your objective(s). You MUST assess the OBJECTIVE that YOU WROTE for this lesson. You may not give them an assessment that is unrelated to what you asked them to learn. This is why your objective must be measurable. In this section, you will measure it.