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I need help understanding what my teacher wants for the part 1 for…

I need help understanding what my teacher wants for the part 1 for my culminating assignment. I want to do the topic climate change and need to find an activist I think. Please something a little easy as I want to do well. 
this is what my teacher posted for the assignment


Need help rephrasing this assignment. I don’t know what my teacher wants. Can you help me with what’s expected in the part 1 of my culminating. This is the information my teacher provided. I don’t know where to start. 

select and organize relevant evidence and information from primary and secondary sources (e.g., primary: case law, legislation; secondary: newspaper and magazine articles, textbooks and other books, websites, legal commentary in journals)

interpret and analyse legal issues (e.g., debates about laws governing the use of various controlled substances) using evidence and information relevant to their investigations and a variety of tools and strategies and taking into account relevant legal theories and ethical and equity concerns


Development of Human Rights Law: analyse issues associated with the development of human rights law, in Canada and internationally

Contemporary Issues: analyse various contemporary issues in relation to their impact or potential impact on human rights

analyse the contributions of various individuals and groups to strengthening protection for human rights in Canada and internationally (e.g., Emily Murphy, Lady Aberdeen, Alan Borovoy, Stephen Lewis, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Mohandas Ghandi, Rosalie Abella, Viola Desmond, Louise Arbour, Michaëlle Jean; Doctors Without Borders, Me to We, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Oxfam, Egale Canada, Advocacy Resource Centre for the Handicapped [ARCH])


also he posted this on the homepage for it

Part 1 of the culminating activity will be a Slide Presentation concerning 1 example of a Human Rights Activist that is currently working for change in the world.  Please refer to the Assignments –  Culminating Part 1 for a breakdown of the required slides and the grading rubric. (12.5%)