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I need answers and explanations.     Teachers in a low-income…

I need answers and explanations.



Teachers in a low-income community observed that their students had a hard time concentrating in class on Mondays. They formed a nonprofit organization to collect and package donated healthy food items for low-income students to take home on the weekends. The teachers observed that the students who received the food packages on Friday had fewer behavioral problems on Mondays. How does Maslow’s hierarchy explain this phenomenon? 


Students who had their physiological needs met could then focus on higher-level needs.

Students who had their safety needs met could then focus on higher-level needs.

Students who had their belongingness needs met could then focus on higher-level needs.

Students who had their esteem needs met could then focus on higher-level needs.



In the 2008 documentary Man on Wire, French street performer Philippe Petit described his tightrope walk between the World Trade Center towers in 1974 as something he had to do, rather than as something he wanted to do. Which need was he trying to satisfy?







Milo has been assigned to manage a new software development project team. Although he is responsible for managing the group, Milo wants his team members treat him as just another member of the team. His need for inclusion is related to which need in Maslow’s hierarchy?







Miles manages a software development project team. Miles observes that one of the developers, Elijah, seems to be dominating group discussions and openly questioning the decisions of team members. Compared to the other team members, Elijah seems to have a greater need for







Claire is working with a nonprofit organization to dig wells in developing countries. She and her team have won a grant to begin work in a new country. Claire just announced to her team that they were successful in winning the grant. Based on Schutz’s theory, what is the next likely phase that her team will undergo?


The group will likely repeat the cycle of inclusion, control, and affection.

The group will likely repeat only the stages of inclusion and control.

The group will likely repeat only the stages of control and affection.

The group will not likely repeat the cycle of inclusion, control, and affection.


The coaches in some youth soccer leagues encourage team members to be ball hogs for a while during practices. They believe this gives the kids an opportunity to maximize their ball-handling skills. Once the kids’ ball-handling skills are developed, the coaches work with them to improve their ability to work with their team members in real games. Which of these best explains the coaches’ rationale?


Greater productivity occurs when team goals and individual goals are equally important.

Greater productivity occurs when individual goals transcend team goals during games.

Greater productivity occurs when team goals transcend individual goals during games.

Greater productivity occurs when neither team goals nor individual goals are important.


In 2019, the New England Patriots won their sixth Super Bowl title. This was a record number of wins for one team. Several team members also set individual records. During interviews with some of the fans after the game, sportscasters found that many of the fans did not even know about the individual records. Which statement best describes the team’s view of goals, from the point of view of the fans?


Winning the game and setting individual records were equally important.

Setting individual records made it possible to win the game.

Setting individual records was the most important goal for the team.

Winning this game was the most important goal for the team.


Which of these shows the highest level of mutuality of concern?


A high school senior signs up to volunteer at a homeless shelter to have something to put on her college applications. She never actually works at the shelter.

A chef invites a group of chefs to a cookoff at a homeless shelter where they serve the residents their creations.

A corporate employee takes advantage of his employer’s volunteer leave program to take Fridays off and volunteer at a homeless shelter.

The employees of a local restaurant deliver day-old bread to the volunteers who work at a local homeless shelter.


A graduate school program has traditionally required that first-year students enroll in classes on campus on a full-time basis. The administrators discovered that some of their students never slept because they also held full-time jobs. They formed a committee to recommend whether the school should also offer a part-time option. Which of these committee members is most likely to have the highest level of commitment to the group?


The president of the board of trustees

A student who has a full scholarship

A student who also has a full-time job

The school’s director of financial aid


Bodhi, a busy freelance writer, was recently invited to have coffee with his friend Amelia, the executive director of a yoga center. Amelia explained that she was hoping he could volunteer to help her produce the center’s newsletter. Through his past experience with Amelia, Bodhi knew that “volunteering” actually meant working full time without pay. Which of the following possible actions from Bodhi would demonstrate a mutuality of concern?


Refuse and explain the other demands on his time

Accept and asked to be paid for producing the newsletter

Accept and state that he doesn’t like being manipulated

Refuse and end all contact related to the yoga center


In a small town, a diverse group of people formed a food cooperative in an effort to increase the availability of fresh, locally grown produce. Which of these factors most likely contributed to the initial formation of the group?


Similarity of the group members

Physical attractiveness of the group members

Complementarity among the group members

Proximity, contact, and interaction of the group members


In the months leading up to the 2008 U.S. presidential election, Democratic candidate Barack Obama selected U.S. Senator Joe Biden to be his vice presidential running mate. One of the reasons Obama made this choice was to alleviate fears among voters about Obama’s lack of foreign policy experience. Which of these factors best describes Obama’s decision?



Physical attractiveness




Mariana is a professor of organizational behavior. She announced to the class that she would assign the class members to groups to complete a group project. Several students argued that they wanted to choose their own groups. Which of these best explains Mariana’s rationale?


Research shows that student-formed groups have too much focus on physical attractiveness.

Research shows that student-formed groups have too much focus on diversity.

Research shows that student-formed groups have too much focus on similarity.

Research shows that student-formed groups have too much focus on complementarity.


Omar is a freshman in college. He was a competitive swimmer in high school, and he wants to join the college swim team. His parents want him to spend all of his time focusing on his studies. Which of these needs can Omar use to convince his parents that joining the swim team is a good idea?


Maslow’s esteem need and Schutz’s inclusion need

Maslow’s belongingness need and Schutz’s affection need

Maslow’s belongingness need and Schutz’s inclusion need

Maslow’s esteem need and Schutz’s affection need


Following a mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, in 2018, a group of students from the affected high school began an initiative to register young voters. Other groups of high school students soon followed, and the initiative spread to more than 1000 high schools in 46 states. Which of these best explains why so many high school students joined this effort?


They made friends with other students.

They wanted to work toward the same goal.

They wanted to be members of a group.

They enjoyed the activities required of the group.