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MasterRaven1337 I need a rhetorical analysis essay wrote base on the essay below….I need a rhetorical analysis essay wrote base on the essay below.

Here are some notes from my professor about my outline: watch out for repeating yourself to much, make sure you use parenthetical citations for your work, for letter B section need to share specific quotations for the text that shows this appeal, in paragraph A. Make sure your not showing emotions yet, remember to remove the first and second person from academic, scholarly writing. Below is the outline that needs to be turned into an rhetorical analysis essay.

Everything happens for a reason” – and other lies I’ve loved – TEDTalk
1.     Introduction
A. Briefly introduce author of speech. Kate Bowler is an author, speaker, and professor known for her TED Talk video “Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved.”
B. An explanation of how the author develops and/or supports their thesis, usually in chronological order. By sharing her experience with cancer diagnosis and challenging the popular belief that everything happens for a reason. She supports her thesis with anecdotes, research, and logical arguments.
C. A statement of the author’s apparent purpose. Kate Bowler’s apparent purpose in her TED Talk titled “Everything Happens for a Reason” is to challenge the common belief that everything in life happens for a reason, particularly in the context of suffering and adversity. She aims to share her personal experience with stage IV cancer and how it has shaped her perspective on life, suffering, and the human need to search for meaning in everything.
D. A description of the intended audience and the relationship the author establishes with the audience. Kate Bowler’s TED Talk, “Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved,” is primarily intended for a general audience. However, it may particularly resonate with individuals who have experienced significant life challenges, such as serious illness, loss, or hardship, as well as those interested in the intersection of faith, suffering, and personal growth.
E. Your thesis for the paper – specifically mentioning ethos, pathos, and logos. In her TED Talk titled ‘Everything Happens for a Reason,’ Kate Bowler delivers a truly inspiring message that challenges the notion that life events are always within our control or are determined by a higher power. By utilizing ethos, pathos, and logos, Bowler’s speech offers a fresh perspective on how to find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
2.     Body Paragraph 1 – Ethos
A.Topic sentence/transition: “(author’s last name) begins with/by…(make your claim about what strategy you see working address the purpose/prompt)”  Bowler begins her speech by establishing her ethos by sharing her personal experience of being diagnosed with staged IV cancer at age of thirty-five, effectively connecting with her audience on an emotional level. 
B. Specific example to support idea: provide EXPLICIT textual support woven into your comments to support your claim. Thoroughly discuss all strategies used in the beginning section, supporting with text. (Should be at least two or more complex, stylistic sentences.) Bowler uses personal anecdotes to connect with her audience and humor to keep them engaged. She jokes about her “inability to make grand plans” due to her illness, thus underscoring the unpredictability of life. Lastly, she employs rhetorical questions to provoke thought and encourage her audience to question their own beliefs.
C. Discussion of how examples supports idea: Connect the strategy back to your main claim/thesis/the purpose.  Bowler effectively utilizes ethos in her writing by openly sharing her vulnerabilities and struggles. Through her personal story, she builds credibility and empathy with her audience, making herself more relatable. Her personal experience also serves as a powerful testament to her authority on the topic of life’s uncertainties, effectively challenging the common belief that everything happens for a reason.
            3. Body Paragraph 2 – Pathos
A. Topic sentence/transition: “After… the author moves to…” “Building off the strategy he/she used to begin, he/she …” Connect an idea from the last sentence of the previous paragraph to the first sentence of this paragraph showing how the strategies build upon each other. Bowler uses pathos to connect with her audience emotionally. She shares anecdotes from her cancer journey that are relatable and evoke emotions of fear, sadness, and hope
B. Provide EXPLICIT textual support woven into your comments to support your claim. Thoroughly discuss all strategies used in the middle section, supporting with text. Should be at least two or more complex, stylistic sentences. In her TED Talk titled “Everything Happens for a Reason,” Kate Bowler skillfully employs various strategies to convey her message effectively. One of the most notable tactics she uses is sharing personal anecdotes. By narrating her own experience with stage IV cancer, she establishes her credibility and creates an emotional bond with the audience. This is apparent when she mentions, “The same month I was diagnosed, I was supposed to be writing the conclusion to my book, which was about the history of the idea that everything happens for a reason.”
C. Discussion of how example supports idea: Connect the strategy back to your main claim/thesis/ the purpose. By presenting these poignant anecdotes, Bowler evokes empathy and exposes the harmful consequences of seeking simplistic explanations for complex human experiences. She challenges the audience to question the idea that suffering always has a neat and predetermined reason, effectively appealing to their emotions and encouraging a nuanced perspective.
4.Body Paragraph 3 – Logos
A. Topic sentence/transition: “to close the essay/speech, (author)…” “Concluding the argument he/she …” Connect an idea from the last sentence of the previous paragraph to the first sentence of this paragraph showing how the strategies build upon each other. Bowler confidently refutes the notion that everything in life happens for a reason by employing logos. Drawing from her own cancer journey, she shares compelling anecdotes that elicit powerful emotions.
B. Provide EXPLICIT textual support woven into your comments to support your claim. Thoroughly discuss all strategies used in the middle section, supporting with text. Should be at least two or more complex, stylistic sentences.. Blower employs a variety of strategies to communicate her message effectively. One of the most prominent strategies she uses is the use of personal anecdotes. For instance, she shares her own experience with stage IV cancer, which not only establishes her credibility but also creates an emotional connection with the audience. This is evident when she says, “The same month I was diagnosed, I was supposed to be writing the conclusion to my book, which was about the history of the idea that everything happens for a reason.” This statement not only introduces her topic but also sets the stage for her personal journey, making her argument more compelling.
C. Discussion of how example supports idea: Connect the strategy back to your main claim/thesis/ the purpose. By grounding her arguments in logical reasoning and expert opinions, Bowler appeals to the audience’s intellect and encourages critical thinking. She provides a strong logical foundation for her argument, effectively challenging the audience to reevaluate their beliefs and embrace the inherent uncertainties of life.
5. Conclusion
A.Restatement of thesis that digs deeper into the overall intended meaning of the text than the one in the introductory paragraph (Try not to begin your conclusion paragraph with “In conclusion”). In Kate Bowler’s TED Talk, “Everything Happens for a Reason,” she emphasizes that seeking meaning in the face of adversity is a complex and personal journey. Bowler challenges the idea that every event has a clear purpose, instead promoting a nuanced understanding of unpredictability. She encourages us to confront uncertainty and find comfort in shared experiences of vulnerability rather than relying on tidy explanations. This insight goes beyond the talk’s main point, urging us to embrace life’s ambiguity with bravery and empathy.
B. Reflection on examples and main ideas in body paragraphs, significance of these strategies, AND how they are linked to your thesis. Bowler effectively uses ethos, pathos, and logos to support her thesis and connect with her audience emotionally and intellectually. Her use of personal anecdotes, research studies, and logical arguments makes her speech compelling and thought-provoking.
C. State if these were effective in conveying the claim/thesis/purpose. The strategic rhetorical strategies were highly effective in conveying Bowler’s claim and purpose as they engaged the audience emotionally, intellectually, and personally.
D. Closing thought – closing out the main purpose of the text being analyzed.  Bowler’s talk invites us to reconsider our understanding of suffering and the narratives we construct around it. She suggests that sometimes, things just happen without any reason or purpose. This perspective can help us to empathize more deeply with those who are suffering and to resist the urge to impose meaning where it may not exist. It calls for compassion, understanding, and acceptance of life’s unpredictability.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish