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DrFlagHerring11 I HAD TO Summarize Chapter 3 & 4 – TUTOR PLEASE LOOK OVER MY…I HAD TO Summarize Chapter 3 & 4 – TUTOR PLEASE LOOK OVER MY RESPONSE BELOW :)Chapter 3 speaks about the common misconception that Transmedia storytelling and marketing go hand and hand. “Surprisingly frequently, if there is ever intended to be a financial transaction, the transmedia experience is referred to as a marketing campaign” (Philips, 2012, p.23). There is a difference between both Transmedia for starts, storytelling tells a coordinated story across time using a variety of media. While Transmedia marketing is the comprehensive practice of creating and marketing media for broadcast, online, and mobile platforms using engrossing narratives, complex fictional worlds, and interesting audience interactions. The chapter gives the example that, Star Wars have books that fans who want to know more on their favorite characters. Whereas chapter 4 gave examples that gave a deep dive on familiar examples that majority of the reader might have read. Marketing campaigns that many people might have heard of could be, The Beast. Which explains the marketing for the film as being continued on websites including some of the film as a blueprint to make the fan feel they are a part of the story. An example I have learned from this week’s lecture that also elaborates chapter 4 is the website of the zombies. Where the fan can go to the website and see fictional examples of the victims who got “bit by zombies” and what they recommend you know if you ever catch yourself in a similar conflict. The theme is carried throughout the who website it does not only have to be a website it can be other social media platform, like a fictional character making a Instagram. Chapter 3 and 4 emphasis on how both terms are not to be confused as the same thing.  I HAD TO Define effective Transmedia storytelling. TUTOR PLEASE LOOK OVER MY RESPONSE BELOW :)An effective Transmedia storytelling could be the continuation of a character in a film into a novel or game that the reader gets reeled into purchasing. Because the film probably did not give a foreshadowing of the future of the characters ending. An effective Transmedia storytelling example is, Star Wars, Princess Leia and Han Solo’s romance is depicted in the film. “But to continue watching and finding out how it develops, you would need to switch to a different media” (Philips, 2012, p.31). It such a unique way for fans to get more of their characters storyline, without having the box office make multiple films, because they use books. Big franchise knows that there is money to be made and know that fans want more similarly, Twilight. The target audience for this franchise could be adults who grew up loving the film and follow along with the book because “Midnight Sun” was never produced. There are multiple novels that either do not have the budget to make other films and leave fans in suspense. Personally, using the, Twilight saga, the final film was divided into 2 films. When the first one came out, fans had to wait a year, but for those who did not want to wait, they had the option to read the book. In conclusion, Transmedia storytelling can be very much effective if the author cares about the reader, that is how it is defined.  I HAD TO Summarize the Guest Speaker’s insights and provide one quote from the video recording.-TUTOR PLEASE LOOK OVER MY RESPONSE BELOW :)As seniors getting ready to apply at jobs, after graduation and making sure resumes look better than the other applicants, getting feedback from what Crystal spoke about will make a resume look better than others. Crystal said, “instead of mentioning everything you accomplished while working there, focus on those talents in certain projects that were successful” (Pettibone, 2023). Recruiters are reviewing a lot of applicants, placing skills at the top and describing how you used those skill in the job description will describe how honest and descriptive you are. Many students use a short paragraph and it sound more as they are selling themselves, simply making it bullet point will make it sound less like that. The speaker elaborated more on the importance of making a resume well-structured because, marketers are the first to go when there is a “cut.” Recruiters might go back to resumes to see which employee may be the most qualified to keep at the company. This topic was the majority of the topic questions classmates asked, Crystal during her lecture and truthfully what is beneficial for seniors after graduating applying for jobs in the marketing field. Arts & HumanitiesEnglish