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I grew up in Afghanistan and graduated from high school there. As a…

I grew up in Afghanistan and graduated from high school there. As a student in Afghanistan,
I did not give much thought to the education I was getting; after all, everyone was in the same
situation, more or less. After moving to the U.S., I was amazed at how different my education back
home had been in comparison to the education I would have received here in the U.S. if I had gone to
school here. There are many differences between the Afghani educational system and the U.S
educational system. Amongst the many differences, I want to mention three of them: wearing
uniforms, attending single-sex schools, and attending university.
First of all, in Afghanistan, students wear uniforms. Boys must wear blue shirts and black
pants, while girls must wear a black shirt and white scarves to cover their hair. Some people don’t
like it, but Islamic leaders have power in Afghanistan, and they create some rules because they don’t
want students to go to school and wear stylish clothes to impress each other. There are different
uniforms for private schools, but most of the students go to public schools, which are free and, the
government supports those schools. On the other hand, in the United States, students have more
freedom and can wear what they want. Both boys and girls get to choose their clothes, and only their
family may have something to say about it. Of course, there are some limits that may be imposed on
this freedom, but for the most part students are free to express their individuality through their
clothing. I also think this is a good idea because they can wear shorts in hot weather and jacket when
it is cold.
The other big difference between the Afghani and U.S. educational systems involves gender.
In Afghanistan, girls and boy’s cannot go to the same school. Female schools start earlier and most of
the teachers are female, but boy’s schools start late and most of the teachers are male. When students
graduate, however, they can go to the same university, and there are no uniform rules and they can
help each other and be friends. In the United States, on the other hand, boys and girls go to the same



schools and attend the same classes. They also can have male teachers or female teachers. I think
that I prefer the U.S. system, because it is more equal, and it mirrors the real world in America,
where men and women must work together.
The third difference between the two systems is colleges and universities. In Afghanistan,
there are no colleges, only universities. After graduating high school students have a few months to
study really hard to get ready for university. There is an extremely difficult test which is called the
Knkor test. Everybody has to pass that test in order to get into the free university which is supported
by the government. If a student gets good (close to passing) grades but doesn’t pass the tests, he or
she can go to a private university and pay tuition and study at a good discount, but private
universities are just businesses. They are easy to get into and the tests are also easy; it is easy to earn
a degree in a private Afghani university. If students don’t pass the test they can pay and take it again.
In contrast, we have both colleges and universities in the United States. They are not free, and they
charge a lot. The tuition is really high, so many students are force to borrow money through the
federal financial aid program. This money must be repaid after graduatin.. In addition, most colleges
and universities are very challenging, whether public or private, and students must work hard to earn
their grades.
In conclusion, there are many differences between the Afghani and U.S. educational systems.
It is much is easier in the United States to study if you have money and have a good job, but in
Afghanistan it is hard, because there are a lot of rules and regulations for students to follow, and the
technology is behind the times; however, at least it is free if you are in a public university. In United
States, it is expensive to study in college or university, but the facilities and technology is good, and
students have more freedom. In the end, I prefer to study in the United States even though I will be
paying for my education for many years to come.