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1.PART A: Which TWO of the following best identify the central ideas of this text?


A.Booth believes he will be remembered as a hero against tyranny like Brutus.

B.Booth sees Lincoln as a tyrant who must be eliminated for the good of all.

C.Booth assassinates Lincoln because he feels rejected by the Union, the South, and his family.

D.Booth does not want to assassinate Lincoln but must for the good of the Union.

E.Booth is willing to sacrifice his future because he does not want to live to see his country destroyed.

F. Booth is willing to sacrifice his life to avenge the deaths of his fellow Confederate soldiers.


2. PART B: Which TWO phrases from the text best support the answers to Part A?


A.”I care not what becomes of me. I have no desire to outlive my country.” (Paragraph 1)

B.”I am here in despair. And why? For doing what Brutus was honored for.” (Paragraph 2)

C.”And yet I, for striking down a greater tyrant than they ever knew, am looked upon as a common cutthroat.” (Paragraph 2)

D.”For my country I have given up all that makes life sweet and holy, brought misery upon my family,” (Paragraph 2)

E.”Though I have a greater desire and almost a mind to return to Washington, and in a measure clear my name – which I feel I can do.” (Paragraph 2)

F. “I do not wish to shed a drop of blood, but ‘I must fight the course.'” (Paragraph 3)


3. PART A: How does the relationship between Booth and God develop throughout the text?


A.First Booth has forsaken God, and then decides to act in spite of him.

B.First, Booth believes he has acted out of God’s will, but begins to doubt whether he’ll be forgiven for murder.

C.Booth knows that God will not forgive him for his sins and only becomes more convinced of this throughout the text.

D.Booth has found God after killing Lincoln and then wishes to reconcile with the Lord.

4. PART B: Which TWO phrases from the text best support the answer to Part A?

A.”Our country owed all her troubles to him, and God simply made me the instrument of his punishment.” (Paragraph 1)

B.”God cannot pardon me if I have done wrong.” (Paragraph 1)

C.”[I] am sure there is no pardon in the Heaven for me, since man condemns me so.” (Paragraph 2)

D.”Tonight I try to escape these bloodhounds once more. Who, who can read his fate? God’s will be done.” (Paragraph 2)

E.”Oh, may He, may He spare me that, and let me die bravely.” (Paragraph 2)

F.”This last was not a wrong, unless God deems it so, and it’s with Him to damn or bless me.” (Paragraph 2)


5. What effect does the repetition of the word “repent” – “I can never repent” (paragraph 1) and “I do not repent” (paragraph 2) – have on the development of Booth’s argument?


1. Booth compares himself to some famous and controversial figures such as Brutus and Tell. Do you believe that Booth thought of himself as a hero? Do you believe he may have had delusions of grandeur – false visions of himself as an important person in history?

2.Do you see Booth’s writing change as he comes closer to death? Why do you think Booth chose to write the diary entry – what do you think he wanted to portray to the people reading his diary, especially after death?

3.Do you believe that Booth was acting for himself or for his country? Cite evidence from the text, your experience, and other literature, art, and history in your answer.

4.Booth thinks that his actions were justified and for the good of the country. Do you believe that bad actions can have positive consequences? Cite evidence from the text, your personal experience, and other literature, art, and history in your answer.

5.As a Confederate sympathizer, did Booth have any right to seek revenge against Union leaders? What were his reasons to oppose or feel hatred towards Lincoln?

6.Booth mentions God frequently throughout his diary entry, as well as the fact that he did not want to commit murder. In this context, why do you believe people do bad things?