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How is this assignment related to the course learning outcomes? …

How is this assignment related to the course learning outcomes? 

Through this assignment, you will be assessed on your critical thinking skills, summarizing and writing skills.

Choose one of the following articles to respond to: 

Read and annotate the article in Actively Learn. You will write a critical thinking response that engages with the issues in the article. 


“Making space: how designing hospitals for Indigenous people might benefit everyone” by Timothy O’rourke December 5, 2019, The Conversation (In Actively Learn) 


“Social Infrastructure and the Role Architects Play” by Tom Dreessen November 6, 2020, Building Magazine 


“Cancel Culture and the Pressures of Being a Teen Online” by Thivya Jeyapalan July 22, 2022, The Walrus (in Actively Learn) Step-by-Step Instructions: 

Step 1. Make sure that you understand what has been said by the person you are going to respond to. Then, in your own words, paraphrase the section of the article/video that you are choosing to respond to. Be sure to include summarizing language (reporting language) and Apa in-text citations and References for the article. DO NOT QUOTE DIRECTLY FROM THE TEXT. 

Step 2. Use the following “Critical Thinking Brainstorming Questions” to think critically about how you want to respond to the issue presented: 

Step 3. After drafting responses to the brainstorming questions, decide what your “overall message,” main points, or thesis is for your response

Step 4. Use the outline to organize your ideas into coherent and logical response. 

Step 5. Create rough draft of your response. 

Step 6. Edit and revise your response. 

Step 7. Submit the final version of your response on Blackboard as a Word document.

Critical Thinking Brainstorming Questions:

What are your thoughts and/ or feelings on what the author has shared? Can you relate or empathize with this issue? Are you frustrated, angry, annoyed, or disturbed by what the author has said? Explain your responses fully, and using examples, if possible.

Why is this an important topic? How does this relate to your community? Please provide examples and explanations of connections you can make to this topic (connections to self, to community, to world).

What other points of view are not represented in this article? Is the piece convincing even without those opinions? Explain your thinking.

Do you think it might be difficult to change people’s mind on this issue? What happens if minds are not changed?

Did this article help you to see the topic in a different way? If so, paraphrase one section of the article that make you see the topic in a different way and explain what this section made you realize. Please relate this issue to your community or connect it to another situation that it might remind you of.

Assignment has the following: • Introduction paragraph with a brief but concise summary of the article or video • Critical analysis of text in paragraph(s) format with clear topic sentence and supporting evidence • In-text citation in Apa format and a Reference of the source(s) * Please note that each time to refer to an outside source, you must include an intext citation to tell the reader where you are getting the idea from. Note that a Reference must also be include at the end of your paper for each outside source.