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  Hello tutor, in one of my discussions in class I have to watch…


Hello tutor, in one of my discussions in class I have to watch the video and then answer the questions. then I should respond to my classmate Lilyani. I did the discussion the only thing I need you to do for me is just reply to Lilyani about her discussion. please watch the video that I attached link below. thank you for your help




video link 

Online Dating: Are We In Hell? – YouTube


1.) What was the main reason why “sexual attraction began figuring into people’s choices” for a partner in the 1920s, according to the video? Is this still prevalent today, or has it changed?
2.) In the video, Michael (the speaker) claims that online dating used to be frowned upon and seen as desperate, but it’s now more mainstream and the negative stigma has mostly disappeared. Do you agree with this point? Why or why not? 
3.) What are some of the benefits of online dating, as discussed by the speaker in the video?
4.) How is online dating similar to online shopping, according to the video? Do you agree with this assertion? Explain.  
5.) What is your experience with online dating? Does watching this video make you feel any different about it? Was there anything that he talked about that surprised you?





1. In the 1920s the media began heavily sexualizing women, such as makeup companies trying to sell more products and magazines promoting beautiful women. This later turned into more heavily erotic portrayed women and men in media. 

2. While I have seen the stigma disappear over time and it is now perfectly acceptable to date someone you met online, it is not gone completely. There still seems to be a stigma around marrying someone you met online however this could be a personal bias and not a social stigma.

3.  Online dating allows people who might otherwise have never met to interact. It allows them to connect to people of similar interests or of similar communities in a “relatively non-threatening way”. This provides a larger pool of individuals to pull from when seeking a partner.

4. Online dating is very similar to online shopping as they are “specifically designed like Online shopping sites”. The act of swiping left or right on a person based on a few pictures is similar to the process of shopping for a product online, with just a few photos and a description of the product. This also leads to quick decision-making, a spur-of-the-moment choice. 

5. Online dating for me has never led to any significant or long-term relationships, the majority of individuals I’ve come across are simply looking for Hookups. People also tend to present their social media personality which can and does differ strongly from their true colors. The video had no effect on my feelings towards online dating although it was an interesting watch. I was mildly surprised by what a large percentage of the market Online dating takes up, While I knew it must be high I was expecting it to be as profitable as shown.