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Hello, please read carefully and answer the following questions….

Hello, please read carefully and answer the following questions. Thank you


Question 1

In 3-5 sentences, explain what Max Weinreich’s quote “A language is a dialect with an army and a navy” means in the context of LINA02.

Specifically, how does this quote reflect the difference between linguists’ and politicians’ views on the language/dialect distinction? In your explanation, provide a concrete example (i.e., language(s)) to support your answer.


(1) Consider the following consonant system.


b t       ?
  s ?     h
m n        
      j w  


Note: /ts/ is a voiceless alveolar affricate, and /?/ is a voiceless retroflex fricative.


Question 2

Based on the consonant system above (1), describe two (2) ways in which the system violates universal tendencies and implications universals.


Question 3

Based on the consonant system above (1), describe two (2) ways in which the system follows universal tendencies and implications universals.


Question 4

One piece of evidence that children have acquired the past tense rule is their production of forms such as goed, sleeped, and swimmed. Based on this model, what type of evidence should we look for in order to show that children have acquired the rule that creates comparative forms such as bigger, taller, and richer? Give an example.


(2) Consider the following data from Jamie:

Intended meaning Jamie’s utterance
Susie is home now. Susie home now.
Give me the toy. Give me toy.
Max ran outside! Max ran outside!
She goes to school. She go school.
Jamie’s shoes Jamie shoe
My mommy’s name is Tammy. Mommy name Tammy.
Fishies swam around. Fishies swam around.


Question 5

Based on Jamie’s utterances above (data in 2), list three (3) morphemes that are missing from the child’s speech.

Make sure to list the morpheme and its name (e.g., “-ed past tense morpheme”, not just “-ed”).


Question 6

Based on Jamie’s utterances (data in 2), do you think that the child acquired the past tense morpheme? Explain.


Question 7

Many researchers believe that there is a critical period for acquiring language(s).

In 3-5 sentences, explain what evidence linguists and psychologists have to support this claim.


Consider the following two sets of data:

(3) E.F. (the patient) was a participant in an aphasia-related study. When greeted with the question, “How are you today?” he responded:

“Gossiping O.K. and Lords and cricket and England and Scotland battles. I don’t know. Hypertension and two won cricket, bowling, batting, and catch, poor old things, cancellations maybe gossiping, cancellations, arm and argument, finishing bowling.”

(4) A patient is provided with a list of words to read aloud:

ant, tree, of, dog, be, house, bee

What the patient reads: “ant, tree, damn little word, dog, curses . . . damn little word, house, bee”. 


Question 8

Identify the type of aphasia presented in (3) above. Explain how you know.


Question 9

Identify the type of aphasia presented in (4) above. Explain how you know.


Question 10

List three (3) ways in which dialects differ from one another. For each point of difference, make sure to provide an example.


Question 11

In her article, Lakoff lists hedges and euphemisms as two of the features of women’s language.

Discuss these two features and make sure to provide a specific example for each feature.


Question 12

Explain hypercorrection with a specific example that was mentioned in class. Then mention the relationship between hypercorrection and linguistic insecurity.