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MasterMagpiePerson899 Hello Could you please help fix the grammer and fix clarity and…Hello Could you please help fix the grammer and fix clarity and other mistakes supposed to be 250-500 It basically supposed to be on the autobiography on a character named gatsby from the great gatsby novelImage transcription textShadows of Longing The Autobiography of Jay Gatsby, West Egg Publishing House… Show moreTh? gr??n light,  a distant sp?ck of hop?,  for?v?r ?tch?d in my m?mory.  It stands as a t?stam?nt to my unwav?ring d?t?rmination and r?l?ntl?ss pursuit of th? Am?rican Dr?am.  It was on that fat?ful ?v?ning,  as I stood outsid? my ?xtravagant mansion,  that I first laid ?y?s on it.  Its glow shimm?r?d across th? bay,  captivating my gaz? and igniting a fir? within my soul.To th? outsid? world,  I was Jay Gatsby,  th? ?mbodim?nt of grand?ur and myst?ry.  Th?y saw th? ?xtravagant parti?s,  th? opul?nc? that surround?d m?,  but th?y fail?d to s?? th? tru? ?ss?nc? of my ?xist?nc?.  D??p within,  my h?art b?at with a y?arning for som?thing mor?—som?thing symboliz?d by that gr??n light.In that mom?nt,  I b?li?v?d I could r?writ? th? cours? of my d?stiny.  Through sh??r willpow?r and th? illusion I had craft?d,  I was convinc?d that I could bridg? th? gap that s?parat?d m? from Daisy Buchanan,  th? woman who h?ld my h?art captiv?.  Sh?,  too,  s??m?d for?v?r out of r?ach,  just lik? th? gr??n light.  H?r world was on? of old mon?y and privil?g?,  whil? I was a s?lf-mad? man,  an outsid?r d?sp?rat? to b? w?lcom?d into h?r ?xclusiv? r?alm.Nick Carraway,  a confidant who p??r?d into my soul,  onc? obs?rv?d that I poss?ss?d an ?xtraordinary gift for hop?.  Littl? did h? know th? d?pths of my y?arning,  th? r?l?ntl?ss pursuit of a lov? that s??m?d for?v?r ?lusiv?.  But as th? ?v?nts unfold?d,  r?ality pi?rc?d th? bubbl? of my illusions.  Th? gr??n light,  onc? a symbol of boundl?ss promis?,  b?gan to fad?,  r?v?aling th? harsh truth I had tri?d so d?sp?rat?ly to d?ny.Looking back now,  I s?? th? tragic irony of it all.  Th? gr??n light,  a b?acon of hop?,  had b?com? a haunting r?mind?r of my limitations and th? cru?lti?s of fat?.  My pursuit of Daisy had b??n an illusion,  a mirag? that dissolv?d in th? fac? of r?ality.  Y?t,  ?v?n in th? fac? of disillusionm?nt,  I cannot h?lp but wond?r if th? gr??n light still shin?s for oth?rs,  l?ading th?m towards th?ir own illusions and aspirations.As I r?fl?ct upon thos? mom?nts,  a bitt?rsw??t s?ns? of nostalgia wash?s ov?r m?.  Th? gr??n light may hav? fad?d,  but th? l?ssons it taught m? ?ndur?.  It is th? pursuit of th? impossibl?,  th? cr?ation of our own mythologi?s,  that d?fin?s us.  And so,  I,  Jay Gatsby,  r?main for?v?r int?rtwin?d with th? gr??n light—a symbol of both triumph and h?artr?nding d?f?at.  Arts & HumanitiesEnglish