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Hello, could you please fix all of my draft and make it 6-9 points…

Hello, could you please fix all of my draft and make it 6-9 points with proof and explanation?


If you could state 6-9 PPE and add more details and fix the quotes and add parenthetical references (page number)  

Also if you could put them into paragraphs it would be great 


Thanks so much 


                                       The theme of ambition and greed   


Comparison of Ambition and Greed in The Great Gatsby and Hamlet  

An eye-catching graphic that symbolizes ambition and greed, such as the shape of a character reaching for a crown (representing ambition) while surrounded by piles of gold coins (representing greed). This will instantly capture the viewer’s attention and create a connection with the theme. 

Introduction: The theme of ambition and greed is a compelling and recurrent motif in literature, driving the actions and fates of characters in various narratives. In both F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, this theme takes center stage, unravelling the complexities of human desires and the consequences of unchecked aspirations. The exploration of ambition and greed in these classic works offers valuable insights into the human condition, showcasing how the pursuit of power, wealth, and personal goals can lead to both triumph and tragedy. 

Section 1: Ambition in The Great Gatsby  

Point #1: Gatsby’s Pursuit of Wealth and Social Status  


Quote: “He talked a lot about the past…”  

Analysis: Gatsby’s desire to achieve the American Dream through wealth and parties to win back Daisy’s love.  
Extravagant Parties as a Symbol of Ambition  


Quote: “In his blue gardens, men and girls came and went like moths…”  

Analysis: How Gatsby’s lavish parties represent his ambition to be accepted by the upper class.  
Desire to Relive the Past with Daisy  


Quote: “Can’t you repeat the past? Why, of course, you can!”  

Analysis: How Gatsby’s obsession with the past and his belief that he can recreate his previous romantic relationship with Daisy.  

Point # 2: Consequences of Ambition on Gatsby’s Relationships  


Quote: “They’re a rotten crowd…”  

Analysis: The impact of Gatsby’s ambition on his social life and genuine connections.  

Section 2: Ambition in Hamlet  


Claudius’s Ambition for the Throne  


Quote: “Ay, that incestuous, that adulterate beast…”  

Analysis: How Claudius’s ambition led him to commit regicide and marry Gertrude.  

Impact of Ambition on Claudius’s Actions and Decisions  


Quote: “My words fly up; my thoughts remain below…”  

Analysis: How ambition can corrupt one’s conscience, preventing genuine repentance.  
Hamlet’s Ambition for Revenge  


Quote: “Now could I drink hot blood…”  

Analysis: Hamlet’s intense desire for revenge against Claudius for his father’s murder.  
Tragic Outcomes of Hamlet’s Ambition  


Quote: “The readiness is all. Since no man has aught of what he leaves…”  

Analysis: The consequences of Hamlet’s actions, leading to multiple deaths and tragic outcomes.  

Section 3: Greed in The Great Gatsby  

Point # 3: Other Characters’ Greed for Material Wealth 


Quote: “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures…”  

Analysis: How characters like Tom and Daisy exhibit greed for material possessions.  
The destructive nature of greed in the novel 


Quote: “I wanted to get out and walk eastward toward the park…”  

Analysis: How the pursuit of wealth and pleasure can lead to moral decay.  
The Pursuit of the American Dream as a Form of Greed  


Quote: “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future…”  
Analysis: Discuss how Gatsby’s relentless pursuit of the American Dream becomes a form of greed.  

Section 4: Greed in Hamlet  

Point #4: The Role of Greed in Driving the Plot and Conflicts  


Quote: “A little more than kin and less than kind.”  

Analysis: How King Claudius’s ambition for power drives the central conflict.  
How Greed Affects the Relationships Between Characters  


Quote: “My offense is rank; it smells to heaven…”  

Analysis: How greed impacts the relationship between Claudius and Hamlet.  
Different Manifestations of Greed Among Various Characters  


Quote: “Give me that man That is not passion’s slave, and I will wear him…”  

Analysis: How greed manifests differently in various characters, adding complexity to the narrative.  

Section 5: Conclusion  

Summarize the key similarities and differences between ambition and greed in both works.  
Emphasize the overall messages and themes conveyed by the authors in each work.  

Note: Remember to use visual elements, charts, images, and relevant quotes in your infographic.   


The text is divided into four main sections: 

The theme of ambition and greed in “The Great Gatsby,” the theme of ambition and greed in “Hamlet,” a comparison between ambition and greed in both works, and a conclusion that sums up the key points 


Ambition and Greed in “The Great Gatsby”:  

This section focuses on Jay Gatsby’s pursuit of wealth and social status as a reflection of his ambition. It includes relevant quotes and analyses to explore Gatsby’s deep desire to achieve his version of the American Dream. The extravagant parties Gatsby throws to impress the upper class and his obsession with reliving the past with Daisy are also discussed.   

The impact of Gatsby’s ambition on his relationships, particularly with Nick Carraway, is highlighted.  


Ambition and Greed in “Hamlet”:  

In this section, the focus shifts to the character of King Claudius, whose ambition for power and the throne sets the central conflict of the play in motion. Quotes from the play, along with analyses, reveal how Claudius’s ambition leads him to commit regicide and manipulate others for his own gain. Additionally, Hamlet’s ambition for revenge against Claudius is explored, along with the consequences of his actions.