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BaronLlamaMaster800 Give me MAIN IDEA  from every page and intresting QOUTES. CHAPTER…Image transcription textCHAPTER FOUR les of reflection. Reflection-in- Presentationmore formal What we call the beginning is often the end And tomake an end is to make a beginning. on its dual nature … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text70 Reflection in the Writing Classroom In this chapter we’llexamine two varieties of reflection-in-pre- sentation: 1) thereflective text that accompanies a classroom portfo- li… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text82 Reflection in the Writing Classroom In the case of theclassroom, however, we are talking about readers who teach theirown students, who presumably do know them, and wh… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textReflection-in-Presentation 81 revision? Do we believe insingle-draft writers, as Harris suggests? Is there a single-draftreflection-in-presentation that will satisfy? The secon… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text80 Reflection in the Writing Classroom includes an audienceother than self, she has no one to satisfy but her- self. Thisreasoning, we have to say, is perfectly logical. It is not, … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textReflection-in-Presentation 75 provide a more accurate portrait ofthe phenomenon under scrutiny. Moreover, the view here isdecidedly Schonean: the particular instance of teachin… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text76 Reflection in the Writing Classroom self-reflective glosses onthe contents. A self-reflective overview letter can highlight forreaders those items of particular importance, tying do… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textReflection-in-Presentation 77 feature that is especially importantfor high stakes situations, too, given that often both faculty andstudents are writing to and for the “unknown&q… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text78 Reflection in the Writing Classroom There are many questionsto put to reflection-in-presentation. Some of them include: Howexplicit should the directions for reflection-in-present… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textReflection-in-Presentation 79 and deal with my emotions andfeelings, I truly am being honest. This story was true and is stillvivid in my memory to this very day. If I would have ha… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text74 Reflection in the Writing Classroom Without knowing what itwas that we were looking for, then, most of us-the teachers askingfor this reflection-looked for anything and everything, … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textReflection-in-Presentation 73 was fitful, intermittent, for a longtime, before it was able to throw a full beam upon the life livedand see there a pattern, as a plowed field seen from a … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text72 Reflection in the Writing Classroom by choices with anaudience in mind, the thinking became rhetorical. (182)Reflection-in-presentation operates on the same princ… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textReflection-in-Presentation 71 as an increasing accretion ofwriting selves-and then to explore and explain all this in a formalpresentation to an “other.” As important, r… Show more… Show moreGive me MAIN IDEA  from every page and intresting QOUTESArts & HumanitiesEnglish