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ColonelTarsierPerson691   For this essay, you should focus on texts we have read in the… For this essay, you should focus on texts we have read in the course since The Metamorphosis. Please no essays on The Tempest, unless you did not initially write on it.You may also write a compare/contrast essay that incorporates a text from earlier in the course, but you may not write solely about an earlier text in the course. You also need to write on a new text, but you may incorporate a text you have already written about as a comparison. The following are not questions that you should address one by one, but rather guides for developing your own argument.  If you choose to write about a separate topic, please clear it with me (via email or office hours) before you begin.  You may also write about a combination of topics, but do make sure that your argument is suitable for the scope of a short paper. You may also use one of your discussion board posts or blogs as a springboard for or as part of the content of your essay.You should read this carefully to make sure your essay FULFILLS ALL REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE ASSIGNMENT. All students must submit a draft or they will receive zero points for the assignment.Requirements:  I expect to see a focused argumentative thesis with supporting points based on textual analysis.  Use the text as support, meaning, you must build your argument through close reading and explanation of actual passages in the text.  Fully develop your analysis.  A quotation from the text will not illustrate your thesis on its own.  You must teach the reader, through close reading and elaboration upon details in the passages, how it relates to your thesis.  It is also better to elaborate in detail upon one example than to bring in too many undeveloped examples.  • The page length should be FIVE TO SEVEN PAGES of writing in a reasonably sized font, 12 point times new roman, for example.  SHORTER PAPERS WILL BE SUBSTANTIALLY PENALIZED and will receive a failing grade!If an essay is not double spaced and in 12 point font, I will not read it until you have altered the format.• This will also be a research essay.  You must incorporate three outside academic sources—either books or scholarly articles (not reviews)–into your argument, using MLA style, with a complete works cited list.  You must quote from each source in the paper at least twice.  Essays that do not include a MLA style works cited list will receive a failing grade.  Paper  4.  Education: For this essay, examine how education (or lack of) affects the lives of the characters in the texts we have read.  For example, in texts such as Nervous Conditions, what is the relationship between education and emancipation and/or the relationship between education and the systems that oppress these characters?  Is education necessary? Is education in the text a rejection of culture? How is education related to the characters’ “coming of age?” This should be an essay that analyzes the text primarily.  Please do not write a general essay about education of women in Africa. Where does Persepolis fit in here?Source : Nervous Condition Textbook Tsi Tsi Dangaremqwa, Nervous Conditions (Casemade, ISBN 12: 9780954702335) and 2 outside sources with MLA citation. CIte everything. Arts & HumanitiesEnglish