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DrTreeCobra29 For this Discussion Board assignment, you will post your reflection…For this Discussion Board assignment, you will post your reflection for chapters 11 and 12 of Chigozie Obioma’s The Fishermen.In an interview on his novel “The Fishermen,” the interviewer asked author Chigozie Obioma about the use of the animal metaphors throughout the novel, and Obioma replied:”The novelist has to think of a structure that would effectively deliver what he’s trying to say and the philosophy behind it. I do think that the subject of memory, of telling a story has a very fascinating dimension. I was on a BBC interview talking about this, the way a human mind works, when you want to remember something. Especially Benjamin, my narrator, who is two decades removed telling the story; he is already in his thirties looking back to when he was nine. That kind of memory doesn’t come in linear form, but in bounds and leaps depending on what is in the foreground and the background of your mind. Some of the more sensational things can jump out and cry for attention while others whimper, don’t vie for attention. So, how do you tell a story effectively? How do you form a chronology? To represent a kind of coherence, one tells the story by association, with what one is fascinated about. And Ben is fascinated by animals. So, for example, by saying that his brother is a sparrow after he died, Ben diminishes the weight of the tragedy to a level that is manageable to him as a child. That gives him comfort. When I myself was that age, I always thought of things by association. My father is Superman because he can lift a chair while I can’t.” (Here is the full interviewLinks to an external site. if you would like to read it.)Given this discussion from the author, why do you think Chapter 11, which centers on the mother falling deeper and deeper into madness, is called “The Spiders”?Arts & HumanitiesEnglish