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For this activity, you will choose four careers or situations from…

For this activity, you will choose four careers or situations from the list below and explore each of them in terms of leadership roles and organizational responsibilities.

You will have two options for the medium that you use to complete  this activity:

You can create four short videos, speaking directly to the camera or acting out scenarios
Or you can write four short essays, making sure to thoroughly explore and explain each career or situation

Required Information:

Regardless of which medium you choose to complete  this activity, you will need to discuss and answer the following questions:

What do you think a leader should look like in this career or situation? (Think about what they will do, say, and how they will act.) Describe and explain.
How might a leader in this career or situation show confidence in their role? Give specific examples and explain each.
What are three key ways that a leader in this career or situation could demonstrate their organizational abilities? Briefly explain each.
Which career or situation do you think would be the most challenging to take on a leadership role in?
Briefly describe at least one experience that you have had in a leadership role. Why did you take on this role? What did it entail? If you have never stepped into a leadership role, discuss why and how you might attempt to in the future.

If you choose to do  an essay:

Organize your essay into four sections, one for each career or situation that you choose.
Be sure to answer each and every one of the required questions for each career or situation.
Be mindful of your punctuation and grammar throughout your essay.

Career/Situation Choices for Leaders:

Elementary school teacher
CEO of a large tech company
High school student body president
Eldest sibling of five children in a family
Captain of your school football team
Manager at a restaurant
Captain of the pep squad
Team captain of a group school project
Babysitter for three young children