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  For questions 1 and 2, read the sentence carefully then choose…


For questions 1 and 2, read the sentence carefully then choose the correct option.

1. In which sentence is “back” used to mean return?

A. Phone books were once used to find peoples’ addresses. Back then there was no Google.
B. The athlete’s picture was at the back of the sports magazine.
C. The delivery truck was so large it had to back into the driveway.
D. Mom will prepare dinner as soon as she is back from the supermarket.

2. Which sentence uses “light” to mean not heavy?

A. Justine made light work of the chores she was given to do.
B. Even though the box was large it was light.
C. Citizens are not allowed to light uncollected garbage in this community.
D. If it’s dark you need to turn on the light.

Which word is NEAREST in meaning to the one underlined in questions 3 to 5?

3. Antoine’s job was to water the flowers in the morning.

A. sprinkle
B. plant
C. fertilize
D. Find

4. Haldane was delighted with the way his birthday party turned out.

A. concerned
B. celebrated
C. excited
D. pleased


5. Mrs Beckford scolded Nesbeth for being callous by not helping his classmate off the floor after he had knocked her down.

A. feisty
B. kind
C. uncaring
D. playful

For questions 6 to 9, choose the option that means the same as the underlined word or phrase.

6. Persons who pre-order Christmas cakes will be getting a discount.

A. order very soon
B. wait to order
C. order online
D. order ahead of time

7. There was a misunderstanding between the bus conductor and the driver. This led to us arriving two hours ahead of schedule.

A. an agreement
B. an interruption
C. confusion
D. concentration

8. The diamond necklace was a priceless collector’s item that was stolen from the museum.

A. royal
B. valuable
C. free
D. beautiful


9. I had spent all my money at the school fair and I was now penniless.

A. saving money
B. getting more money
C. without any money
D. had little money left

For items 10 and 11, choose the word best completes the sentence.

10. Each student is required to take an extra  of jeans for the beach clean-up on Saturday.

A. pair
B. pare
C. peer
D. pier

11. The large mango tree that was once filled with fruits was now  .

A. bear
B. bare
C. beer
D. bier

For items 12 to 15 choose the option that is OPPOSITE of the underlined word in each sentence.

12.  Demarco was in a jolly mood after it was announced that he was chosen as the class prefect.

A. better
B. rotten
C. new
D. good



13. Tic Toc is one of the oldest social media apps.

A. youngest
B. most user friendly
C. newest
D. most exciting

14. Many students are now using Zoom to attend virtual classes.

A. practical
B. physical
C. math
D. computer

15. Social media platforms are all different in one way or another.

A. used
B. pluralized
C. entertainment
D. alike








Read the passage carefully then answer questions 16 to 20.




Paul Bogle










Place of Birth: St. Thomas
Date of Birth: about 1822
Date of Death: October 24, 1865




Paul Bogle, it is believed, was born free about 1822. He was a Baptist deacon in Stony Gut, a few miles north of Morant Bay, and was able to vote at a time when there were only 104 voters in the parish of St. Thomas. He was also a firm political supporter of George William Gordon.


Paul Bogle was unhappy about how poor people in St Thomas were being treated. This caused him to lead a protest march to the Morant Bay courthouse on October 11, 1865. In a clash with the security forces that followed the march, nearly 500 people were killed and a greater number was flogged and punished before order was restored.


Bogle was captured and hanged on October 24, 1865; but his strong demonstration led to several changes. The government started to make sure that all persons were treated fairly. Also, when persons were brought before the courts everyone would have a fair trial. This was what Bogle wanted.


In recognition of his efforts, Bogle was conferred with the Order of the National Hero in 1969. From 1969 to 1989 his image was on Jamaica’s two dollar bill. It is now on the ten cent coin.

Source: (Adapted) JIS



Paul Bogle was always concerned about other people.



Which sentence best supports this statement?


Paul Bogle, it is believed, was born free about 1822.
Paul Bogle was unhappy about how poor people in St Thomas were being treated.
The government started to make sure that all persons were treated fairly.
In a clash with the security forces that followed the march, nearly 500 people were killed.


16. Which sentence best supports this statement?

A. Paul Bogle, it is believed, was born free about 1822.
B. Paul Bogle was unhappy about how poor people in St Thomas were being treated.
C. The government started to make sure that all persons were treated fairly.
D. In a clash with the security forces that followed the march, nearly 500 people were killed.

17. Which word or phrase BEST helps us to understand what “conferred” means?

A. in recognition
B. the Order
C. in 1969
D. captured

18. What forced the Jamaican government to start treating the people fairly?

A. He was a Baptist deacon in Stony Gut.
B. Bogle was captured and hanged on October 24, 1865.
C. Bogle led a strong demonstration.
D. There were only 104 voters in the parish of St. Thomas.

19. What is the passage about?

A. George Wlliam Gordon being a politician and a friend
B. Paul Bogle giving up his life to help other persons
C. people being flogged
D. Paul Bogle being a deacon


20. Which paragraph has the most evidence about how badly the people of St Thomas were treated?

A. paragraph 4
B. paragraph 3
C. paragraph 2
D. paragraph 1

Read the passage then answer questions 21 to 25.


Peter was very careless. He got himself into mischief even though his friends and family constantly reminded him to do what was right. One day he went to the sea to catch fish. He knew he should ask his mother’s permission but that had never stopped him before.
4 He knew he had to run if anyone saw him there.

He quickly threw his line into the sea and waited. Soon he felt a tug. Then he felt himself being pulled in. He had something big on his line. As soon as he took the fish out of the water he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look and there was his
8 father. The fish dropped into the water, Peter looked at his Dad then saw the fish swimming away with his line.

Adapted: Playing with Words Thomas and Prescod

21. Which sentence suggests that Peter did not get permission to go fishing?

A. He knew he had to run if anyone saw him there.
B. Peter was very careless.
C. He quickly threw his line into the sea and waited.
D. One day he went to the sea to catch fish.

22. Which is a good conclusion to draw from paragraph 1?

A. This was his first time fishing.
B. Peter was in trouble often.
C. This was the first time Peter was in trouble.
D. Peter was getting good grades at school


23. What is most likely to happen to Peter after his father caught him fishing?

A. He will go to school.
B. He and his friends will go fishing.
C. He will be punished.
D. He will be forgiven.

24. What message is the writer trying to pass on to the readers?

A. Always have bait when going fishing.
B. Fishing is a good profession.
C. Listen to your teachers.
D. Obey your parents.

25. Based on the events in the story, which is the most suitable title?

A. Peter’s Big Surprise
B. Brave Dad
C. A Day at the Beach
D. The Innocent Boy




For questions 31 and 32, which sentence is correctly capitalised?

31. A. Dunn’s river falls is a favourite for tourists visiting Jamaica
B. Dunn’s River Falls is a Favourite for tourists visiting Jamaica.
C. Dunn’s River Falls is a favourite for Tourists visiting Jamaica.
D. Dunn’s River Falls is a favourite for tourists visiting Jamaica.

32. A. I watched a football match at the National Stadium on Wednesday.
B. I watched a football match at the national stadium on Wednesday.
C. I watched a Football Match at the National Stadium on Wednesday.
D. I watched a football match at the national stadium on wednesday.

In questions 33 and 34, which punctuation mark should be at the * in each sentence.

33.  These are the materials needed for the experiment* rock samples, vinegar and a magnifying glass.

A. .
B. :
C. ,
D. !

34. I like to eat pastry* my favourite food.

A. :
B. ,
C. ;
D. .


Which underlined word in each sentence is a singular possessive noun in questions 35 and 36?

35.  We’ll be asked to contribute thirty dollars each week for this year’s Christmas party.

A. We’ll
B. Christmas
C. year’s
D. dollars

36. The judge’s decision was that of all the exhibits ours was the children’s favourite.

A. judge’s
B. children’s
C. exhibits
D. ours

Which underlined word in each sentence is a plural possessive noun in questions 37 and 38?

37. The Reggae Boys is the name of Jamaica’s national men’s football team.

A. Jamaica’s
B. men’s
C. Boys
D. team

38.  Last Friday’s meeting with the principal was to find ways to reduce the cost of students’ lunches.

A. reduce
B. lunches
C. Friday’s
D. students’


For questions 39 and 40, indicate whether the underlined adverb tells when, where, how, or to what extent.
39. Today is an extremely hot day.

A. when
B. where
C. how
D. to what extent

40. It should be much cooler later.

A. to what extent
B. how
C. where
D. when

Which part of speech is underlined in each sentence for questions 41 to 43?

41. In order to start watching the video you have to press “play”.

A. noun
B. pronoun
C. verb
D. adverb

42. The teacher instructed students to email their homework to her.

A. conjunction
B. preposition
C. verb
D. noun

43. Swimming classes will be on the last Thursday of every month.

A. preposition
B. adjective
C. noun
D. adverb

For questions 44 and 45, choose the option that best completes each sentence.

44. Macaroni  about five minutes to prepare.

A. take
B. taking
C. takes
D. will be taking

45. I know because last week I  some for my little sister.

A. will be cooking
B. cook
C. am cooking
D. cooked

Read the letter carefully then answer questions 46 to 50.



New Green District New Green P.O. Mandeville, Manchester

June 6, 2020

Good morning Daddy
I hope you are having a good day. When I was a little boy in grades three and four you used to give me four hundred dollars for lunch money. In September I will be in grade 5. This means I am getting to be a big boy now. There is something I want to talk to you about.
Firstly, I have noticed that when I am at school I am still feeling hungry after I eat my lunch at 11:30. Usually I buy a patty and a bottle of Cranwater at the canteen. However, I begin to feel hungry again by the time it is 12:30. I think I may have to start buying cooked lunch so that I can stay full a little longer.
Secondly, I am able to concentrate better on my school work when I am not feeling hungry. The canteen sells cooked lunch but it costs $300.00. The cooked lunch is made up of curried chicken or fried chicken with rice and peas and lots of vegetables.
If you are able to, can you give me an additional $100 per day so that I can buy cooked lunch? I know you have to also look after my little twin sisters, Lorraine and Lauren but please think about it and let me know. I love you, Daddy.
Your son Recaro

46. In which paragraph is the reason for writing the letter made known?

A. paragraph 4
B. paragraph 3
C. paragraph 2
D. paragraph 1

47. How does Recaro plan to fix the problem he is having?

A. eat more carbohydrates
B. eat cooked meals
C. drink more water
D. eat from all the food groups

48. Which text structure is used in paragraph 3?

A. problem and solution
B. compare and contrast
C. cause and effect
D. sequencing

49. Recaro’s letter is an example of which stage of the writing process?

A. publishing
B. revising
C. brainstorming
D. editing

50. Which is the salutation?

A. Recaro
B. Your son
C. Mandeville P.O.
D. Good morning, Daddy

Read the passage carefully then answer the questions 51 to 55.

Today, Henry was going to be taking the bus by himself for the first time. He was standing at the bus park in Annotto Bay. It was midday, so it was very hot, even though it had rained earlier.
The cool sea breeze made it seem a little cooler. There was a lot of people in the bus park and they swarmed around the buses like bee in a hive. The buses had names like “2Hype” and “Angola”.
Most of the buses were small and could only hold about fifteen persons but Henry was almost sure he saw more than twenty persons getting into them. From Annotto Bay they went along different routes; Buff Bay, Hope Bay and Port Maria. There were also many taxis that went as far as Ocho Rios in St Ann. He tried counting the buses but he lost count. The smell of roasted corn, chicken foot soup and jerked chicken was making his mouth water. There was so much to see.
There were men trying to tell persons which bus or taxi to take. Some of them would help the women to carry the heavy bags they had. The driver would then give them one hundred dollars for helping them to get the passengers. There were also many vendors there trying to sell peanuts, banana chips, coconut cake (also known as drops), bag juice and other things, to the persons in the park. Some of them made up funny songs about the things they were selling.
Henry could not make up his mind about what he would enjoy more, looking out the window on his way to Ocho Rios or enjoying the delicious aroma of food being cooked by the vendors in the bus park.
Source: SAU

51. The passage is an example of  .

A. a friendly letter
B. descriptive writing
C. persuasive writing
D. journal writing

52. Which sense does paragraph 1 BEST appeal to?

A. hearing
B. smell
C. sight
D. touch

53. Where was Henry going?

A. Ocho Rios
B. Port Maria
C. Buff Bay
D. Annotto Bay

54. How did Henry lose count of the buses in the park?

A. He was not good at math
B. They were too close to the taxis
C. There were too many buses
D. He was thinking about food

55. What made the day seem cooler than it really was?

A. It had rained that day.
B. the sea breeze
C. Some taxis had air condition.
D. The weather forecaster said it would be a cool day.

Read the passage carefully then answer questions 56 to 60.

The ear is a very important sense organ. Having two ears helps you to determine the direction of sound. Your brain is smart enough to figure out that if sound hits one ear just before the other and is slightly louder then that’s the direction the sound came from. Having an ear on each side of our head also helps us to hear better.

Animals and humans do not hear things in the same way. Animals hear things from longer distances than we do. Some animals can’t hear low sounds while others can hear high sounds more than a mile away. Dogs and cats can hear much higher pitched sounds than we can.

Dogs can hear four times better than humans. Dogs are also able to move their ears in different directions. They this to hear sounds better, turning their ears in the direction the sound is coming from. Dogs also move their ears in order to express how they are feeling.
Source: (Adapted)


56. Which BEST tells us what the passage is about?

A. why humans only have one brain
B. why animals have ears
C. how the the ear works
D. how the brain works

57. Which is explained in the passage?

A. why humans have two ears
B. how dogs wag their tails
C. why cats do not like dogs
D. how ears help you to balance

58. Which sentence is the main idea?

A. The ear is a very important sense organ.
B. Dogs can hear four times better than humans.
C. Having an ear on each side of our head also helps us to hear better.
D. Dogs also move their ears in order to express how they are feeling.

59. Which BEST summarizes paragraph 2?

A. It is important to care for our animals.
B. Animals also have two ears.
C. The ears are sense organs.
D. Animals hear sounds better than humans do.

60. The passage is an example of  writing.

A. story
B. informational
C. descriptive
D. letter