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mundo9000 Following are three items related to definition,…Following are three items related to definition, comparison/contrast, and classification paragraph.  Certain personality traits, like whether a person is more reactive or proactive, can predict success or its opposite.  In his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steve Covey writes that reactive people tend to sit back and wait for life or circumstances to bring them opportunities.  They react instead of act.  When good things happen, they are happy, but when bad things happen, they feel like victims.  Reactive people often say things like, “There’s nothing I can do.” On the other hand, proactive people know that they have the power to choose their responses to whatever life brings.  They act instead of react: If things aren’t going their way, they take action to help create the outcome they desire.  Proactive people can be recognized by their tendency to say things like “Let’s consider the alternatives”. This paragraph can be best described as a  process that tells how personality traits work in a person. comparison of reactive and proactive people.definition of proactive people’s personality styles.narration of the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.People in this city will notice that most dogs fall into one of three categories. First there are the big dogs, which are generally harmless and often downright friendly. They walk along peacefully with their masters, their tongues hanging out and big goofy grins on their faces. Second are the spunky medium-sized dogs. When they see a stranger approaching, they go on alert.   The third category is made up of the shivering neurotic little yappers whose shrill barks could shatter glass and whose needle-like little teeth are eager to sink into a friendly outstretched hand.  In conclusion, there are diverse types of dogs, each with its own unique characteristics and temperament. Identify the sentences that show the three classifications of dogs.  Webster’s dictionary gives the definition of courage as fearlessness.  However, different publications indicate that most acts of courage are done out of necessity.  To children, courage means spending the night alone in a dark room.  Adults give out medals of courage to soldiers for carrying out acts of gallantry at the risk of life during combat duty. Also, society feels that people who stands up for their rights- whether political, religious, or racial reasons- they are displaying courage.  In conclusion, courage simply means – having the strength needed to face different circumstances. Which are the different meanings of the term courage? a comparison of reactive and proactive people.myth, legend and fairy storyfearlessness, spending the night alone in a dark room, acts of gallantry at the risk of life during combat duty, stands up for their rights, the strength needed to face different circumstances.Practice general concepts of definition, comparison/contrast, and classification by answering the following questions.  Write complete sentences.    Comparison/contrast:  What is a good comparison and contrast for a vehicle? Classification:  How do you categorize cellular phones? Definition:  What is the meaning of courage for you?  Arts & HumanitiesEnglish