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First, identify at least one source that discusses the  creative…

First, identify at least one source that discusses the creative process used by a writer, scholar, researcher, musician, artist, scientist, designer, coder, entrepreneur, or other creative person you are interested in. Ideally, you will find a lengthy written interview, but your source could also be a video or another type of source where your subject talks directly about their creative process. Possible places to find a source include:

The New York Times, “Writers on WritingLinks to an external site.”
Paris Review interview archiveLinks to an external site. (some interviews are behind a paywall, but can be accessed via Park’s library hereLinks to an external site.)
Song Exploder podcastLinks to an external site. (interviews with musicians, songwriters, and producers)
Songwriters on Process interview archivesLinks to an external site.
Khan Academy, Interviews with EntrepreneursLinks to an external site.  
MindCORE, University of Pennsylvania, Interviews with ScientistsLinks to an external site.
SFMOMA, Artist InterviewsLinks to an external site.
The Talks, Interview DirectoryLinks to an external site. (interviews with artists, actors, fashion designers, athletes, etc.)

You may choose an interview with a writer/researcher/artist/creator from another source. Make sure that the interview focuses largely on process. If you have questions, ask your instructor.

Next, read your source(s) carefully, taking note of how the person’s process connects with the writing process research articles we have studied this unit in class. 

Finally, write an essay in which you analyze the subject’s process in light of the concepts and findings of writing process researchers. Answer these questions: How does this person’s creative process work? How does this person’s process fit into previous research into writing process? What might this person’s process teach us about the writing process, in general?

links below


Interviews with Scientists


It is vitally necessary to investigate the creative process, whether it be that of a writer, scholar, singer, artist, scientist, designer, coder, entrepreneur, or any other creative individual you can think of. It is possible to get insight into the creative process and the value that it contributes to society by analyzing the creative processes of persons who have achieved success. Using a lengthy written interview with Stephen King as a source, I will conduct an analysis of the creative process utilized by a writer, scholar, musician, artist, scientist, designer, coder, entrepreneur, or any other person who engages in creative endeavors. This analysis will be done in this essay. Through the course of my analysis, I will make connections between the concepts and findings of writing process researchers and the creative process that King addresses.
According to King, the creative process is a complicated one that requires a significant amount of laborious effort, unwavering dedication, and ongoing education. King is of the opinion that writers should take their time while coming up with new ideas and should be free to explore their creative sides. He recommends that authors take the time to not only understand their own writing style and the process of writing, but also take the time to investigate new ideas and methods of writing. King also stresses the significance of patience, pointing out that authors should be willing to wait for the appropriate moment to write and to take the time to refine their writing. This is something that King says writers should be willing to do. He places a strong emphasis on receiving criticism and working together with others, highlighting the significance of having a group of people to talk about the writer’s work with and provide input.
The findings of researchers that study the writing process can be seen in King’s creative process. According to the findings of research, the process of writing is intricate, consisting of multiple phases and necessitating a significant amount of laborious effort and devoted attention. In addition, research recommends that authors should take the time to understand their own writing process and style, in addition to exploring new ideas and methods. In addition, research reveals that writers should be willing to wait for the appropriate moment to write and to take the time to develop their writing. Writers should be willing to wait for the right moment to write. Last but not least, research demonstrates the significance of cooperation and feedback, highlighting the usefulness of having a group of people to debate the writer’s work and provide input on it.
The creative process that Stephen King goes through teaches us numerous valuable lessons regarding the writing process as well. In the first place, it stresses the significance of devoting sufficient time and effort to comprehending one’s individual writing process and style. This is significant because it enables writers to improve the quality of their work and develop it to a greater extent. Second, it emphasizes the significance of having patience and being willing to wait for the appropriate time to write something down. Because of this, authors are able to generate better work because they are not under the pressure to finish a piece before it is ready to be read. The last step in King’s creative process is an emphasis on the significance of feedback and cooperation, both of which are beneficial to the development of a writer’s work and the production of the finest possible result.
In conclusion, the findings of writing process academics are mirrored in Stephen King’s creative process, and as a result, we can learn some valuable things about the writing process from him. King’s creative process highlights how important it is to understand one’s own writing style and process, wait for the proper opportunity to write, seek criticism and collaborate with others, and take the time to do so. It is possible to get insight into the creative process and the value that it contributes to society by analyzing the creative processes of successful persons like Stephen King, for example. 

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