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JusticeDinosaur2104 Find a print report and a television report that cover the same…Find a print report and a television report that cover the same event and write a paragraph that discusses the differences between the two.Think about what Hayakawa said in Chapter Fifteen and consider these things. Image transcription textPage 1 of 10 AV Click to Launch Hayakawa starts out talkingabout the impact that tv has had on language and communication.Distinctions between types of programming that were… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 2 of 10 > Click to Launch Too many people still believethat if something is on TV, it must be true. If someone in a newsbroadcast says something then it must be factual. Loo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text A Click to Launch Hayakawa states that atelevision program is an abstraction. How? o In terms of this class,it’s because the camera, and its operator, selects which… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text< Page 4 of 10 > Click to Launch How does televisioncoverage differ from print coverage? Compared to print news, thetelevision “has tremendous emotional impact. T… Show more… Show moreImage transcription texta: PageSofm > Al: Click to Launch Reliance or: visual images isboth a strength and a weakness of TV. I TV news has to focus onthings that are easily symbolized visually. at the expen… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 6 of 10 > Click to Launch How has TV contributed to afascination with symbols of wealth? . The most powerful aspect ofTV is its ability to sell products, and with it, the idea of … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textc Page? of’lD } Alt Click to Launch Television values personalfuf?llment very highly o On TV. everyone has. at some point, asympathetic moment which shows that no one is beyo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 8 of 10 > Click to Launch TV dramas have been built ontwo-valued orientation o Good guys are good, bad guys are bad oThe types of villains change to depict changes in societ… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textit Page9 of 10 :r Al! Click to Launch Television has had a hugeimpact on electoral politics I It has “abetted the decline of politicalparties and gained in?uence as a result of it. Personalit… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text< Page 10 of 10 Click to Launch Has TV replaced the writtenword? Hayakawa says, "If humanity had used writing in thesame limited way we use television, we would have cre... Show more... Show more  Arts & HumanitiesEnglish