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Explain how you the educator should proceed in each of the areas. …

Explain how you the educator should proceed in each of the areas. 

For example: The teacher demonstrates care and concern. 

I demonstrate care and concern to the degree that is appropriate and helpful to the student. I will follow up to ensure students understand the assignments and if needed look for new ways to explain the information. 

The teacher believes that all children can learn at high levels and persists in helping all children achieve success.

I work with students at all levels of learning. I am dedicated to ensure that students are able to achieve success to the highest degree that they are able with the understanding that everyone’s degree of success is different.

One paragraph explanation on whether or not our in class discussion affected your answers if so how?



Knowledgeable of the Foundation of the Profession


The Principle:


The successful teacher is one who is well-informed of the current body of knowledge regarding the processes of learning,strategies for instruction, and the structures of learning environments to support the intellectual, social, and physical development of all types of learners.


Key Attributes:


The teacheris knowledgeable of how children, as individuals and in groups,learn and developand how instruction can be provided to support the intellectual, social, and personal development of all types of learners. The teacherunderstands schools as organizations within the larger community contextand the laws and norms that guide their operation.


Indicators of Performance (Grouped by Attributes):


The teacherunderstands how children, as individuals and in groups,learn, develop, behave,and are motivated to learn.


The teacherunderstands how learningoccurs- how studentsconstruct knowledge, acquireskills, and develop habits of mind- and knows how to use instructional strategies that promote student learning.
The teachersunderstand how learningoccurs and that students’ physical,social, emotional, moral, and cognitive development influence learning and instructional decisions.
The teacheris aware of expected developmental progressions and ranges of individual variation within each domain (physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive), can identify levels of readiness in learning, and understands how development in any one domain may affect performance in others.
The teacher understands the cognitive processes associated with various kinds of learning (e.g., critical and creativethinking, problem structuring and problem solving,invention, memorization and recall)and how these processes can be stimulated.
The teacherunderstands how students’learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, health, and prior learning, as well as language, culture, family and community values, and economic conditions.
The teacher understands and can identifydifferences in approaches to learning and performance, including different learning styles, multiple intelligences, and performance modes.
The teacherunderstands how factorsin the students’ environment outsideof school (e.g., family circumstances, community environments, health and economic conditions) may influence students’ life and learning.
The teacherunderstands how social groups functionand influence people,and how people influence groups.


The teacher knows how to help people work productively and cooperatively with each other in complex social settings.
The teacher understands communication theory, languagedevelopment, and the role of language in learning.
The teacherunderstands how diversity affects communication in the classroom.
The teacher recognizes the importance of non verbalas well as verbal communication.
The teacherknows about the process of second languageacquisition and about strategies to support the learning of students whose first language is not english.
The teacherunderstands how studentsconceptual frameworks and misconceptions regarding an area of knowledge can influence their learning.
The teacherunderstands cultural, community, and socioeconomic diversity.
The teacher recognizes the power of language for fostering self-expression, identity development

, and learning.

The teacher recognizes their responsibility in ensuring that all students learn and is open to expertise that supportsstudent learning (e.g., the school counselor and community professionals).
The teacher recognizes that teacher expectations influence student learning.


The teacherunderstands a varietyof instructional strategies to create learningopportunities that
Support the intellectual, social,and personal development of learners,
Encourage positivesocial interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation, and
Encourage studentsdevelopment of criticalthinking, problem solving,and performance skills.
The teacher understands principles and techniques, along with advantages and limitations, associated with variousinstructional strategies (e.g., cooperative learning,direct instruction, discovery learning,whole group discussion, independent study, interdisciplinary instruction, manipulatives, and sheltered English).


The teacherunderstands the principles of effective classroom management to promotepositive relationships, cooperation, and purposeful learning in the classroom.
The teacherunderstands best practices for effective instruction.
The teacher understands basic technology operations and concepts.
The teacherknows how to enhance learningthrough the use of a wide varietyof material, human resources, and technology.
The teacher values the role of studentsin promoting each other’s learningand recognizes the importance of peer relationships in establishing a climate of learning.
The teacherrecognizes the value of instinctmotivation to students’life-long growth and learning.
The teacher values many ways in which people seek to communicate.


The teacherunderstands how studentsdiffer in their approaches to learning and how instructional opportunities are adapted to diverse learners.


The teacherknows about areas of exceptionality in learning- includinglearning disabilities, visuals and perceptual difficulties, and special physical or mental challenges.
The teacherappreciates individual variationwithin each domainof development.
The teacher respectsthe diverse talentsof students.


The teacherunderstands schools as organizations within a larger community contextand the laws and norms that guide their operation.


The teacheris knowledgeable of the foundations of education (e.g., philosophies, curricula, history, law, structures, etc.).
The teacher understands schools as organizations within the larger community context and understands the operations of the relevantaspects of the system(s) within which they work.
The teacher understands and implements laws related to students rights and teacher responsibilities (e.g., for equal eduction, appropriate education for students, reporting in situations related to possible child abuse).
The teacherknows about professional organizations within education and within theircontent area.
The teacherunderstands the dynamicsof change and recognizes that the fieldof education is not static.
The teacher knows the structureand the historical and politicalcontext of local, state, and national educational systems and the role of education in society.
The teacherknows that factorsother than the formal educationsystem (e.g., socioeconomic status, culture, and family) influence students’ lives and learning.
The teacher knows signs of emotional distress, child abuse, substance abuse, amd neglect in student and how to followthe procedures to report knownos suspected abuseir neglect to the appropriate authorities.
The teacher understands the social, ethical,legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in schools.
The teacher conveysthe historical, political, and economic significance of the educational system in the broader society.
The teacheradheres to local,state, and federallaws.
The teacher appliesan understanding of the social,ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in schools.