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Explain and give examples of how you improved your writing in the…

Explain and give examples of how you improved your writing in the following areas:


Paragraph unity and coherence
Sentence clarity and coherence
Choice of words and phrases
Use of proper grammar




Today, there are many delicious foods easily available. I sometime wonder how life was in the ancient past

when they did not have ease of access to food as we do today.

However, though I can find food of all kinds in our stores there are foods that stand out as my favorite.

I easily walk past the pizzas, the fluffy pasties, pies, and cream cakes. But when I sit in the restaurant and

see the words oxtail stew, with creamed spinach and potatoes I positively drool.

The Waitron places the crispy warm bread rolls beside me on a white plate. In front of me were yellow balls

of butter. Next, she placed in front of me a bowl of creamed spinach, dark green finely cut with the white

cream and steam coming from it advertising it was freshly cooked. I inhaled the warm aroma unique to

spinach. Beside it was a bowl with smooth white mashed potato. Rich creamy smooth and firm from the

butter and milk that had been beaten into it to add to its flavor and smooth texture.

Then came the bowl full of oxtail stew. Its rich dark brown color was set off by the white bowl it was in. The

gravy was thick and rich. I could smell the aroma of beef, garlic, and herbs and spices drifting up from it into

my nose. My mouth watered in anticipation.

Now I took the silver spoon and dipped it into the bowl of potato. It smoothly penetrated the firm fluffy white

mound. I lifted the spoon and turned it over on my plate depositing a mound of potato. I repeated this 3

times. Then using another spoon, I scooped up spinach dripping white sauce and put it on the plate beside

the potato. The dark green Spinach was hot, the white Sauce melted, and it contrasted with the creamy

potato. Now after a second helping of spinach I took another larger spoon. I dipped it into the rich brown stew

and stirred it. Then I scooped up a chunky slice of oxtail. Several other pieces followed that one onto my

plate, the rich brown meat, contrasting with the dark green spinach and creamy white potato. The succulent

(delicious) meat gleaming (shiny) with a coating of rich gravy and the aroma of gravy, garlic spinach and

potato blending in the steam rising from my plate. I scooped up gravy from the bowl and trickled it over the

white potato catching the scent of red wine. I broke the roll and spread butter on it and I was ready to eat.

Now the decision where to start, so I bit into the fresh crisp roll and tasted its warm soft texture and the

melting butter. By then I had decided to sample the potato with gravy and the spinach. The potato was

smooth, with a taste of butter over powered with the tangy gravy, its garlic and hint of good red wine in it. The

spinach was a good foil. Smooth with its vegetable texture and plain white sauce it softened the taste of the

gravy. Then I used my fork and removed the succulent meat from the bone. Its soft texture, fatty feeling in the

mouth, the spice wine and garlic in the gravy made it perfect. So, I sat contented at my table eating as much

as I could, and more than I should of my favorite food.