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Exam Content You are preparing your first-grade classroom to teach…

Exam Content

You are preparing your first-grade classroom to teach reading. Your principal wants you to use conventional and research-based approaches to teach reading to students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, which includes multilingual learners. How will you prepare to teach reading?


Access the course textbook, The ELL Teacher’s Toolbox, with hundreds of practical ideas to support your students with instructional strategies that support all students, including multilingual learners (Task 1, Task 3, and Task 7). – Please note the ELL Teacher’s Toolbox is located in the books under Week 5.


Access the course textbook, Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESL: A Resource Book for Teaching K-12 Multilingual Learners, which includes historical, legal, and political context for multilingual learners (Task 2 and Task 6).


Access English Language Development Standards, a California Department of Education resource with the English language development (ELD) standards, ELD video series, information, and resources to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) design, implement, and enhance integrated and designated ELD instruction for English learner students. ELD standards are for all content-area teachers in UPK-12, to support any student who needs to read, write, listen, or speak English in California public and charter schools (Task 4 and Task 5).


The terms UPK and UTK are sometimes used interchangeably.


To become more familiar with the course texts, complete the following scavenger hunt tasks. Answer each task with a minimum of 


Task 1: Where will you look for reading resources? Explain how you would integrate 2 classroom strategies that you find for reading.
Task 2: Where can you find information about federal law and multilingual students? What is the name of the document? Why is this document useful for a teacher of multilingual learners?
Task 3: As a teacher of multilingual learners, it is important that you provide instruction that reflects the diversity of all your students. Where can you find a list of culturally inclusive teaching strategies? Share 1 strategy that you would like to use in your future classroom.
Task 4: What resources are featured for English learners’ proficiency standards alignment?
Task 5: Where can you find strategies for implementing the standards in instruction for multilingual students? What might that look like within the content you teach?
Task 6: Identify 1 helpful resource to learn the history of multilingual learners’ policies. Where did you find this information?
Task 7: What is 1 strategy that will be helpful for you in your future classroom? Why did you choose this strategy?


Cite sources for Tasks 1, 2, 4, and 5. Cite specific CA ELD first-grade reading standards used for Tasks 4 and 5.


Format your sources according to APA guidelines.


Submit your assignment.