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ePortfolio  600 words — 400 for revised personal response; 200…


 600 words — 400 for revised personal response; 200 for biographical page. YOUR Eportfolio IS YOUR ASSIGNMENT; 

learning outcomes:

produce a foundational ePortfolio
write fluently and grammatically in a range of academic forms and genres
identify and use writing conventions expected for a specific discipline or task, including organization, content, presentation, format, citation, and style
complete all steps in the academic writing process: researching, drafting, revising, and editing
employ an appropriate communication style for a given audience, context, and purpose
offer and accept constructive feedback

details: this assignment is designed to introduce you to the ePortfolio, the online platform CapU gives each student for posting academic and other writing, and to get you started on developing your professional online presence. Over the course of your studies, you will be able to add material from your courses and post your creative, scholarly, personal, and professional work. Here, you will open and begin your ePortfolio with your revised personal response, the first written assignment you have done for this course. 

You will learn the basics of setting up your ePortfolio page in the online videos posted in independent activities for week 3. If, after watching these videos, you are still having difficulty developing your ePortfolio, you may schedule an individualized workshop with someone in the Centre for Teaching Excellence. To do this, go to the “ePortfolio Workshop for Students” blue box on the ePortfolio home page and click “Sign-up.”

If you have already opened an ePortfolio with CapU, this is fine; simply let me know. Your revised personal response will still count as a revised assignment, and if you’ve already written an “About Me” page, we can develop a plan for an additional page that suits the direction you wish to take with your site.

You need to produce TWO pieces of writing and TWO images for this assignment:

your personal response, revised based on previously received feedback from me
a personal “About Me” page (or agreed-upon alternative)
a personalized, evocative image on your banner (i.e., you need to replace the template image)
a personalized, evocative image within your personal response or your “About Me” page (or agreed-upon alternative)

The autobiographical (or equivalent) statement should not be more than 200 words, should be professional in both tone and content, and should be something you are willing to share. The image you choose should be professional and evocative of the tone you want to set on your page.

After you have uploaded your “About Me” page, your banner, an additional image, and your personal response, you have completed the assignment. There is nothing more to submit here. However, the site is yours to build and change as you move through your programme. 

rubric: this assignment will be assessed according to the following criteria (10 marks):

1 mark: are both written pieces correctly uploaded and publicly accessible?
1 mark: does each piece of writing conform to the required word count?
1 mark: does the ePortfolio have a tailored banner and include at least one engaging and evocative image ?
3 marks: is the “About Me” (or alternative) page written in accessible prose, and does it conform to the conventions of good grammar and punctuation?
4 marks: does the revised personal response respond appropriately to the recommended revisions, and does it conform to the conventions of good grammar and punctuation?