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Ensuring Paragraph Unity: Check That the Details Are Logically…

Ensuring Paragraph Unity: Check That the Details Are Logically Organized

To help keep your paragraph unified around one central idea, it’s important to present information clearly and in a logical order. Make sure to include a topic sentence with a main idea, which might be (1) your reason for presenting the topic—why you think it’s important or necessary for the readers to know it—or (2) an argument about the topic itself. Writers often organize body paragraphs in easily recognizable patterns that give readers a sense of logical movement and order. Three examples of common patterns of ordering sentences in a paragraph are order of time, order of space, and order of importance. A writer might arrange details chronologically (beginning with the first step or event and ending with the last step or event). This is order of time. If the subject of the paragraph is a physical object, a writer might choose order of space to describe the object from left to right, top to bottom, or inside to outside. If the writer chooses to start with the most critical details and move toward less essential information later, they are using order of importance.


Read the following paragraph. Then answer the questions


(1) Establishing credit might feel overwhelming, but anyone can accomplish this goal by following a series of steps. (2) First, research why establishing credit is important. (3) Ask your family members or friends how their credit ratings have made an impact on everything from their interest rates on an auto or home loan, to getting a good job, to signing a lease on an apartment. (4) Now that you understand why credit is important, the second step is to open a savings account and a checking account in your name. (5) Your ability to withdraw, deposit, transfer, and save money shows you have financial responsibility, which is reflected in your credit report. (6) After establishing your bank accounts, the third step is to apply for a credit card. (7) Some department stores have coupons that allow you to save 20% on that day’s purchases if you get one of their credit cards. (8) The final step is to use your credit cards and bank accounts wisely. (9) You will establish good credit only if you make your credit card payments on time and don’t bounce checks. (10) If you do so, you will be on your way to having many great financial opportunities in the future.


Source: “Establishing or Rebuilding Credit.” National Foundation for Credit Counseling, Accessed 30 May 2016.




What is the topic sentence of this paragraph?


Sentence 1: Establishing credit might feel overwhelming, but anyone can accomplish this goal by following a series of steps.

Sentence 6: After establishing your bank accounts, the third step is to apply for a credit card.

Sentence 5: Your ability to withdraw, deposit, transfer, and save money shows you have financial responsibility, which is reflected in your credit report.



Which of the following is also a suitable topic sentence for this paragraph? (Hint: Pick the sentence that states the goal of the process given in the paragraph.)


Establishing good credit requires a lot of money and resources.

Anyone can establish credit by following a few simple steps and guidelines.

Many students use their credit cards to buy expensive goods they cannot afford.



Is this paragraph logically organized?






Which sentence does not clearly relate to and support the topic sentence?


Sentence 4: Now that you understand why credit is important, the second step is to open a savings account and a checking account in your name.

Sentence 5: Your ability to withdraw, deposit, transfer, and save money shows you have financial responsibility, which is reflected in your credit report.

Sentence 7: Some department stores have coupons that allow you to save 20% on that day’s purchases if you get one of their credit cards.



How is the passage organized?


Time order

Space order

Order of importance



What is the purpose of this passage?


To inform

To persuade

To entertain



Which steps appear in the paragraph? Check all that apply.


Research the importance of having good credit

Open a credit card account

Open a bank account

Use your credit cards wisely

Go on a shopping spree with your department store credit card