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ELM/539: Curricular content and knowledge of physical…

ELM/539: Curricular content and knowledge of physical education/health
Week 3 – Formative Assessment: Health Lesson Resource Table

task content

Complete the Health Lesson Resource Worksheet. Compile a set of 5 educational health education activities that you are interested in trying. This can include complete lesson plans or abbreviated educational activities that you find on the Internet or in your textbook. All lessons must be designed for 2nd grade. Please do not include lessons where you cannot view the full lesson plan without paying or subscribing. An example of this would be the lessons on websites like Teachers Pay Teachers. Don’t use those sites even if the lesson plan you find is free. You can only get one lesson plan from each website. Your lesson will be something you find, but your summary should be in your own words. You need the following health education activities/lessons:

1 lesson that promotes lifelong health and a healthy lifestyle
1 lesson addressing determining the validity of a fitness or nutrition product
1 lesson addressing nutrition
1 lesson that addresses the risks of drug and/or alcohol use
1 lesson addressing tobacco use

Do not skip categories because they do not apply to your selected grade. Select a grade for which you can find all the lessons. Or select a grade range so you can research all lesson categories.
2nd grade

Write a 350-word reflection on the research from your lesson/educational activity. Discuss which strategies you liked best. Reflect on the impact that human growth and development has on instruction.

Submit your homework. Write directly on the provided worksheet. Your reflection should be double spaced. Include a title page and a list of references in APA format. Build everything as a single document.



Health Lesson Resource Worksheet

Complete a resource chart to use for future teaching opportunities. 2nd grade level that your lessons will focus on. Make sure all lessons are appropriate and meet the standards for your selected grade. A chart can include complete lesson plans or abbreviated instructional activities that you find on the Internet or in your textbook. Only include lessons where you can see the full lesson plan if you pay or subscribe. Lesson plans must include innovative teaching strategies beyond traditional lectures and research projects. An example of this would be the lessons on websites like Teachers Pay Teachers. It would be better if you had the following lessons:
• 1 lesson promoting lifelong health and a healthy lifestyle
• 1 lesson addresses determining the validity of diet or exercise programs or products.
• 1 lesson addressing nutrition
• 1 lesson that addresses the risks of drug and/or alcohol use
• 1 lesson that addresses the risks of tobacco use
Organize your lesson plans or instructional activities. Please mention where you found the lesson and provide a summary (100 words each) explaining the lesson and why you liked the teaching strategies. Discuss how you could modify each lesson for different students.
Skill Lesson Chart
Selected Grade:
Health lesson for life and healthy lifestyle
Web link or source citation where the lesson idea was found (Add link in the box below)

100-200 word summary describing the activity and explaining why you liked it (Type in the box below, abstract can be single spaced)

How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)

Validity of an exercise or nutrition product lesson
Web link or source citation where the lesson idea was found (Add link in the box below)

100-200 word summary describing the activity and explaining why you liked it (Type in the box below, abstract can be single spaced)

How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)

nutrition lesson
Web link or source citation where the lesson idea was found (Add link in the box below)

100-200 word summary describing the activity and explaining why you liked it (Type in the box below, abstract can be single spaced)

How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)

Lesson on the risks of drug and alcohol use
Web link or source citation where the lesson idea was found (Add link in the box below)

100-200 word summary describing the activity and explaining why you liked it (Type in the box below, abstract can be single spaced)

How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)

Lesson on the risks of tobacco use
Web link or source citation where the lesson idea was found (Add link in the box below)

100-200 word summary describing the activity and explaining why you liked it (Type in the box below, abstract can be single spaced)

How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)

Write a 350 word reflection on your research lesson. Discuss which strategies you liked best. Reflect on the impact that human growth and development has on instruction. Make sure your reflection is APA compliant in terms of font, size, and spacing.


Skills Lessons Chart

Selected Grade: 2nd grade

Lifelong Health and Healthy Lifestyle Lesson

Web link or citation from the source where lesson idea was found (Add link in box below)
100- to 200-word summary that describes the activity and explains why you liked it (Type in box below, summary can be single spaced)
How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)


Validity of an Exercise or Nutrition Product Lesson

Web link or citation from the source where lesson idea was found (Add link in box below)
100- to 200-word summary that describes the activity and explains why you liked it (Type in box below, summary can be single spaced)
How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)


Nutrition Lesson

Web link or citation from the source where lesson idea was found (Add link in box below)
100- to 200-word summary that describes the activity and explains why you liked it (Type in box below, summary can be single spaced)
How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)


Risks of Drug/Alcohol Use Lesson

Web link or citation from the source where lesson idea was found (Add link in box below)
100- to 200-word summary that describes the activity and explains why you liked it (Type in box below, summary can be single spaced)
How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)


Risks of Tobacco Use Lesson

Web link or citation from the source where lesson idea was found (Add link in box below)
100- to 200-word summary that describes the activity and explains why you liked it (Type in box below, summary can be single spaced)
How could you modify this lesson for diverse learners? (50 words)



Write a 350-word reflection on your lesson research.  Discuss what strategies you liked best. Reflect on what impact human growth and development has on instruction.  Ensure that your reflection meets APA formatting in terms of font, size, and spacing.