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BarristerQuetzal3048 “Drivers Get Rolled”   Read the essay, “Drivers Get Rolled” on…”Drivers Get Rolled” Read the essay, “Drivers Get Rolled” on pages 345-352 of the textbook. Choose one of the “Reading, Writing, and Discussion Questions” questions on page 352, and write a thorough response, between 250-500 words, in response to the question.  Reference: The Structure of Argument 10th edition by Annette T.  Rottenberg and Donna Haisty Winchell. QuestionExplain why the anecdote in the first paragraph is an example of the straw man fallacy. ( write a thorough response, between 250-500 words, in response to the question ). Image transcription textagainst READING ARGUMENT Seeing Logical Fallacies Thefollowing essay has been annotated to point out places where theauth finds logical fallacies with cyclists’ demands for r… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCHAPTER 12 Logic Like many episodes in the world of adultrecreational cycling, this one breaks new ground in the annals ofchutzpah. Few non-cyclists would think to scold a law … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textbikers common sense and compromise. An incre has altered whatpasses for common sense. Cyclists like the ones in NewHampshire, whose reckless riding and self-righteousn… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCommon Fallacies part of the road is often punctuated withold-fashioned sewer grates that will swallow a tire whole and flingyou over the handlebars. There are bro- ken bottles, dr… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textniable. orget the DICy are obvio of cycling over driving, which Theproblem is that our transportation network, built at the cost oftrillions over the decades, is already over capacity, as t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textIAPTER 12 Logic Bike riding could be the wave of the future, or itcould be a sports fad, e way tennis was in the 1970s orskateboarding in the 1980s or golf in e 1990s. It is har… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textanapolis’s $100 million plan to add bike Citibank’s underwriting ofthe New York City bike-share program. “Subsi- dize it andthey will come,” could be the motto. Drivers are … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textsubsidize their own High Rollers There are a number ofinternationally recognized signals through which bicyclists conveytheir intentions to drivers. The raised left hand means … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCommon Fallac which bosses come. They are, to judge from theirblogs, more aggrieved by delivery trucks parked in bike lanes thandrivers are by delivery trucks parked in car lanes. This … Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish