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Draft the Thesis Your evaluation in a sentence   Overview   In…

Draft the Thesis Your evaluation in a sentence




In this step, you focus your argument by writing your thesis—that is, your evaluation the main source expressed in a single clear sentence.



The thesis: Your argument in one sentence

The thesis is a clear, straightforward statement of your evaluation of the main source, expressed in one sentence (or rarely, two—and two at most). It summarizes everything you say in the response section of your essay.

Please watch this video it will help you how to write a thesis statement 


Sample Thesis Statements

If the main source is a narrative:

Conner’s narrative is highly relevant and significant today because it opens the way to better understanding important aspects of transgender experience, such as the fear and anxiety of provoked by an often hostile world, and the complications of becoming romantically involved with a cisgender person.

If the main source is an argument:

Colier’s article identifies a real problem–overuse of technology–but her argument is not as rigorous as others’ in terms of the influence of technology on mental health and of the need to mitigate its negative consequences.


Relation of the Thesis to the Response Section

The thesis emerges from the response. It is a one-sentence summary of your evaluation of your main source, as articulated in the response section of your essay.

To come up with your thesis, ask yourself what your critical response is to your main source, based on the work you’ve done so far on this project and your recent research. To develop your thesis, track the development of your response as you draft and revise the essay.

Why the Thesis Is Provisional

This first version of the thesis is “provisional,” meaning temporary and subject to change. As you draft and revise your essay, your argument is likely to change in ways large or small because you will be working with textual evidence from your sources—i.e., developing your response.

It’s important to remain open to fresh discoveries and changes all the way up to the final submission of the project.

Having said that, it’s a good idea to get it clear in your head what you’re planning to argue so that you can focus your work throughout the drafting process.



Review Project 2

Project 2 is made up of several process pieces that help you build the larger Research-driven Critique Essay draft:

Analysis of the main source
Locating research sources
Writing the annotated bibliography
Writing the thesis and outline (and first draft)
Writing the framing sections (introduction, conclusion, references)
Peer review

The finished essay includes an introduction, a summary, a research-based response, a conclusion, and references.

The thesis you’re writing in this step helps you to focus your argument and keep the project on-track.




Image transcription text

E Take the next step in Project 2 Access Project 2 samples and templates here: Research-driven Critique
(Research Essay)_(Units 6-11) Write the provisional thesis of your Research-driven Critique Essay: 1. Open the
template or document where you are completing your work. 2. Think about your overall evaluation …
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This is link which you will use for this easy. 


International Students and the housing crisis


From here Research Essay: Thesis, Outline, DraftDraft instructions start, how you will write this essay.  



1. Submit this entire document (with thesis, outline, and full first draft) to the designated Assessments > Assignment folder.
2. Copy and paste the draft only into the designated Discussion Board for Unit 10 peer feedback.

Complete the following tasks by following along in Unit 9 of the course.

Please note, submission of this work (in both places) is required in order for the finished Research Essay to be accepted for evaluation at full value.


Note: this should be in the formula Source X argument/ narrative is ___ [your evaluation] and NOT a thesis about whatever the topic is.


Feel free to use or adapt/ change the outline template below.



Hook or Inciting Idea:
Background Context:
Main Source–author, title, one-sentence summary:
Provisional Thesis:


Statement of issue/problem, thesis/message, reasons/narrative events:


1)First claim critiquing the main source (tied to the thesis): TS
?Textual evidence from the main source:
?Textual evidence from (one or more) research source(s):

2)Second claim critiquing the main source:
?Textual evidence from the main source:
?Textual evidence from research source(s):

3)Etc., as applicable.



Restatement of the thesis in new words:
New question(s):
Concluding statement:


Write a full first draft (Intro, Summary, Critical Response, Conclusion(s), References). Then submit this entire document to the assignment folder and copy/paste just the draft here to the Discussion Board.


Hi, Please help me to do this essay I post all the instructions if you have any questions please let me know.  Please do all work according to the heading given in Research Essay: Thesis, Outline, DraftDraft, and  please mention all the headings like ( summary, introduction, thesis, etc.)

