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DRAFT. 2  is the essay following instruction and how to improve…


is the essay following instruction and how to improve it 

essay needs help, please. 


Thank you!



With your 30+ years of experience in the healthcare industry and firsthand perspective on various healthcare trends, I am excited to hear your views on the industry’s biggest dominant trends. However, I feel some of these topics may be too broad. Specifically, the role of technology in the healthcare industry. Technology has affected every industry, thus saying that holds no meaningful impact. I believe you should narrow it down to topics such as data analytics helping with health management, predictive models, etc. Also, I believe that the shift in the world’s demographics, including population increase, should show the healthcare’s systems adaptability. 


Feedback for Draft Part 1

Submission Feedback

Your title page indicates that you will talk about the very broad medical industry.  Use the same industry on the title page which is being discussed in the paper. The industry you discussed in the draft is Healthcare, that should also be on the title page. Your trends are very broad and not clearly defined. Be specific when you mention demographics, more technology, and costs.  Clarify what it is that makes them emerging trends in this industry. 

As your first trend you mention demographics, which is usually defined as statistics that describe populations and their characteristics, such as age, race, and sex, but that is not what is discussed.

Read over your draft and make sure that in the first paragraph you clearly identify your industry and three emerging trends. The following paragraphs you will use to discuss each trend you identified in the introduction.

Watch the number of cites that you have for each paragraph, you want to have your voice heard in the paper, not just information from someone else.  Generally, one cite per paragraph is enough.

Just a few things to revise on the reference page.  Journal titles are written in italic.  Book titles are also written in italic. Italicize titles of journals, magazines, newspapers, and books in APA.

Make sure that you indent all paragraphs.

Incorporate this feedback into Draft two.



Draft 2 

Essay Draft 1 

                                                    Trends in the Medical Environment


                                                                                 Essay 120. PCCC

                                                                                 Dr. Patricia Kidd

                                                                               August 25th, 2023

         Healthcare is well-known to be complex and interactive with multiple systems. Every individual constantly needs healthcare and receives care from highly well-educated professionals. Thus, the healthcare system is always changing to adopt new ways of providing the best care regardless of internal and external factors. There are many dominant trends affecting the healthcare system; among them: are demographics or more patients (Agarwal et al., 2020), more technology (Reckers-Droog et al., 2020), and increasing costs (Garson & Levin, 2001). In the real world, these mentioned trends are interrelated affecting citizens and the development of healthcare and its environment.


             Life expectancy and the increasing population are trends that consistently present a statistics view, as the average life span has increased worldwide. Transformation in health care can explain the reasons for longevity. The new revolutionary progress in treating life-threatening illnesses is a major factor in life expectancy increasing. For example, the treatment of patients with severe diseases such as heart disease improves people’s outcomes. As time passes, the percentage of people suffering from heart disease also increases as well as invasive heart treatments. Reduced mortality from severe illnesses adds more years of survival (Garson & Levin, 2001).


Research suggests that lower mortality from severe illnesses is attributable to better health care management, medications, adjustment in personal diets and habits to reduce risk factors such as high-fat diets, diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, others, and advances in medical therapies (Caron, 2017).

The U.S. population is predicted to grow to 400 million in the 2050s (Colby & Ortman, 2015). Roughly 1 in 5 Americans will reach 65 or older in the next years. Experts predict that by 2040, the majority of Americans (50% or more) will belong to minority ethnic groups (Colby & Ortman, 2015).


               The role of technology in the healthcare system enables innovative approaches or ways to healthcare delivering. Technological developments are impacting the traditional ways of healthcare It will be focus on better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

Technology evolution in the field of healthcare faces the development of artificial organs, genetics, telemedicine, robotics, e-health, virtual reality, implantable chips, and personal health monitoring. In general, all factors within healthcare are impacted by technology (Diamandis, 2017).

Artificial intelligence development in healthcare is essential to the improvement of efficiency and quality in care management. This new tool can answer relevant questions about how to optimize resources, plan, and achieve competitive health goals in medical practices (Wan, 2017).

               American are spending more on their health as time passes by. The national healthcare budget has grown more rapidly than the economy (Banthin et al., 2008). The U.S. healthcare system is responsible for an increasing share of the overall economy (Banthin et al., 2008). One of the main factors that incline the growth or drive healthcare cost growth is the application and new development of modern technologies. New or improved techniques and products also contributed to the growth in healthcare spending. Healthcare expenses will make up a challenge for patients, health organizations, and governments.

            Finally, it is well understood there are increasing many trends facing the healthcare system. One obvious is the increasing demand for healthcare delivery happening in every country. Life expectancy has now reached 80 years in many countries. And continues to increase (Garson & Levin, 2001). The advances in understanding the causes of diseases, improvements in diagnostic/treatment, and a faster role of technology within the entire system are the main causes of why people live longer (Garson & Levin, 2001).

Spending on healthcare increases faster than the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The rate of growth in healthcare spending has surpassed GDP in recent years and years to come. We can predict the growth of healthcare spending outstrips the economics of many countries significantly (Dranove & Millenson, 2006). Factors like demographics or aging population, advanced technology, and increasing healthcare expenditures are challenging many parties; among receivers, providers, and authorities involved in the healthcare system.







