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MasterComputerMoose30 Does the summary paragraph contain the name of the author and the…Image transcription textIn his article, “Yes You Can Gentrify a NeighborhoodWithout Pushing Out Poor People ” Jesse Van Tol the chiefexecutive officer of the National Community Reinvest… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textQuote “..can the word gentrification suffice for what turnsout to be a more complex matrix of factors that lead to strongercommunities in some cases, displaced populations in o… Show more… Show moreDoes the summary paragraph contain the name of the author and the title of the article being summarized? If not, what is wrong/missing?Does the summary paragraph contain the RELEVANT credentials for the author? In other words, do the credentials listed make sense and represent the author’s expertise concerning the topic of the article? If yes, are the credentials specific enough? Too vague? Is there too much listed (ie: so many items listed as the credentials that they “take over” the paragraph? Not clear in some other way?Does the summary paragraph contain a rhetorically accurate verb (argues, implies, claims, etc.) preceding the author’s thesis? If there is a verb preceding the thesis but it’s rhetorically vague (says, states, etc.), explain why.There should be a clear statement of the author’s thesis/main claim/main argument in the student’s own words. Does the thesis exist? If so, does it make sense as an ARGUABLE thesis or does it seem to simply be a random statement made by the article author? Does the sentence listed as the author’s thesis clarify the main argument for the article for you as a reader? What do you find confusing?Does the summary paragraph contain an explanation for how the article author’s thesis is developed? (ie: type of support–statistics of. . ., etc.) Is the type of support specific or is it too vague? Does the student explain HOW the article author uses the evidence to support the thesis? Does it make sense and seem logical based on the thesis the student listed for the article author? Explain your answer.Does the summary paragraph contain a statement of the article author’s apparent purpose? Does it seem logical based on what the student claimed to be the author’s thesis earlier in paragraph? Explain your answer.Does the summary paragraph clearly state the article author’s intended audience (specifically who the author is trying to convince)? Is it too vague or otherwise unclear? How might the student make it more specific? Explain your answer.Underneath the summary paragraph, there should be the STUDENT’S Analytical Topic Sentence. Does the STUDENT’S topic sentence clearly make a judgement about the student’s opinion of the article (agree, disagree, both agree and disagree), or does it simply summarize a point made by the article author? Explain your answer.Evaluate the quote following the student’s Analytical Topic Sentence. Does the quote clearly show an example of what the student claimed in the topic sentence that the article author is doing or is not doing IN WRITING that led the student to their agreement or disagreement with the article author? Explain your answer.         Arts & HumanitiesEnglish