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Do not use AI please. It’s not accurate for these questions.  1….

Do not use AI please. It’s not accurate for these questions. 

1. Indicate how the affix -ly in the following sentence changes the part of speech of the underlined word. (For example, you would note that the -ion suffix in the sentence He tried the ignition but nothing happened has turned a verb ignite into a noun ignition. Thus you would answer V –>N.)

After many years, he finally appreciated all his parents had done for him. 

A. Adi–> N

B. Adi–> V

C. N–> Adi

D. N?>N

E. V–> Adj


2. Consider the phrase A man from Major League Baseball as it is used in the sentence below. (Remember phrases can consist of 1 or more words.) From the list below, identify the function of the phrase as it is used in the sentence.
A man from Major League Baseball handed a trainer for Alex Rodriguez a subpoena one recent Saturday at a toy store.

A. adjunct

B. direct) object

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subiect

G. subject-Determiner 

3. Consider the phrase the colonial Thanksgiving myth as it is used in the sentence below. (Remember phrases can consist of 1 or more words.) From the list below, identify the function of the phrase as it is used in the sentence.
A film about the colonial Thanksgiving myth with several egregious product placements for Chuck E. Cheese shows mocking contempt for its audience.

A. adjunct

B. direct) object

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subiect

G. subject-Determiner 


4. Consider the phrase the online marketplace as it is used in the sentence below. (Remember phrases can consist of 1 or more words.) From the list below, identify the function of the phrase as it is used in the sentence.
The federal healthcare subsidies actually pay some providers on the online marketplace for the entire monthly cost of their insurance plans.

A. adjunct

B. direct) object

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subiect

G. subject-Determiner 


5. Consider the phrase its as it is used in the sentence below. (Remember phrases can consist of 1 or more words.) From the list below, identify the function of the phrase as it is used in the sentence.
The luxury resort destination offers its guests amazing glass igloo rooms.

A. adjunct

B. direct) object

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subiect

G. subject-Determiner 


6. Consider the verb succeed as it is used in the sentence below. Pick the term below which best identifies the verb in terms of whether it is ordinary or complex and whether it is intransitive, (mono)transitive, or ditransitive
If we succeed, it will be a miracle.
A. ordinary intransitive

B. complex-intransitive

C. ordinary monotransitive

D. complex-transitive

E. ditransitive

7.Consider the verb attended as it is used in the sentence below. Pick the term below which best identifies the verb in terms of whether it is ordinary or complex and whether it is intransitive, (mono)transitive, or ditransitive 
The lawyers’ youngest child attended a prestigious college in Massachusetts.
A. ordinary intransitive

B. complex-intransitive

C. ordinary monotransitive

D. complex-transitive

E. ditransitive


8. Consider the verb buckled as it is used in the sentence below. Pick the term below which best identifies the verb in terms of whether it is ordinary or complex and whether it is intransitive, (mono)transitive, or ditransitive 
Government officials said that a software component buckled under the weight of millions of users of the Obamacare website, but they have fixed the problem.

A. ordinary intransitive

B. complex-intransitive

C. ordinary monotransitive

D. complex-transitive

E. ditransitive


9. Consider the pronoun she in the following sentence. It is in the nominative case form. From the list below, select which grammatical function the pronoun is filling that allows it to be in that case form. Be careful: Think about the grammatical structure of the sentence and be sure to read through all possibilities on the list; several of the options are quite similar.
 Is she who you are looking for?

A. conjunct of a subject NP

B. (direct) object of a verb

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subject of a finite verb

G. subject of a non-finite verb

H. subject-determiner with an expressed Nom

I. subject-determiner with an unexpressed Nom

10. Consider the pronoun she in the following sentence. It is in the nominative case form. From the list below, select which grammatical function the pronoun is filling that allows it to be in that case form. Be careful: Think about the grammatical structure of the sentence and be sure to read through all possibilities on the list; several of the options are quite similar.
 Is this she?

A. conjunct of a subject NP

B. (direct) object of a verb

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subject of a finite verb

G. subject of a non-finite verb

H. subject-determiner with an expressed Nom

I. subject-determiner with an unexpressed Nom


11. Consider the verb based as it is used in the following sentence and indicate if it is a finite or non-finite form.
White immigrants to Australia built a literate, industrialized, politically centralized, democratic state based on metal tools and on food production, all within a century of colonizing a continent where the Aborigines had been living as tribal hunter-gatherers without metal for at least 40,000 years.

A. Finite

B. non-finite


12. Consider the verb asserting as it is used in the following sentence and indicate if it is a finite or non-finite form.
Although thus incapable of mounting a civil war, they are nevertheless increasingly asserting their rights.

A. Finite

B. non-finite


13. Consider the following non-finite verb phrase: eating healthy foods. Indicate its function in the sentence below:
Doctors say that eating healthy foods can lead to a longer life.

A. (direct) object

B. indirect obiect

C. nominal adjunct

D. obiect of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. Subject

G. VP adjunct

14. Consider the following non-finite verb phrase: aggressively climbing the career ladder. Indicate its function in the sentence below: People aggressively climbing the career ladder often forget their friends.

A. (direct) object

B. indirect obiect

C. nominal adjunct

D. obiect of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. Subject

G. VP adjunct


15. Consider the following non-finite verb phrase: bearing his signature. Indicate its function in the sentence below:
The photograph bearing his signature is quite valuable.

A. (direct) object

B. indirect obiect

C. nominal adjunct

D. obiect of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. Subject

G. VP adjunct


16. Consider the following non-finite verb phrase: standing by the cruiser.. Indicate its function in the sentence below:
He called the police officer standing by the cruiser.

A. (direct) object

B. indirect obiect

C. nominal adjunct

D. obiect of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. Subject

G. VP adjunct


17. The sentence below contains exactly 1 relative clause. Indicate the grammatical function of the relativized element within the relative clause. Recall that the relativized element will be a relative pronoun in wh-relative clauses or a gap (____) in that
or bare relative clauses.
I am a member of an immigrant family that works hard.

A. adjunct

B.(direct) object

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subiect

G. subject-determiner

18. The sentence below contains exactly 1 relative clause. Indicate the grammatical function of the relativized element within the relative clause. Recall that the relativized element will be a relative pronoun in wh-relative clauses or a gap (____) in that
or bare relative clauses.
The person I gave money was a con artist.

A. adjunct

B.(direct) object

C. indirect object

D. object of a preposition

E. predicative complement

F. subiect

G. subject-determiner


19. The sentence below contains exactly 1 relative clause. Identify the type of relative clause it is (wh-, that, or bare).
I bought a new TV to replace the one that died.

A. wh- relative clause

B. that relative clause

C. bare relative clause


20. Type the head noun of the subject noun phrase from the following sentence. If the subject NP has no overt head because it is part of a fused-head construction, write “fused-head” for the answer.
An enormous effort by cognitive psychologists has gone into the search for differences in IQ between peoples of different geographic origins now living in the same country.


21. Consider the following sentence and see if it contains a subject-verb agreement error. If it has an error, fill in the blank with the CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB that should have been used according to the rules we’ve learned. If the sentence doesn’t contain an error, write the word “correct” (without quotation marks). Note that there will be at most one error in a sentence even if the sentence contains more than one verb and subject. So, you will only ever need to fill in the blank with one word: the corrected verb or the word “correct.”
 My hunger, as well as the time of day, suggest a question.


22. Consider the following sentence and see if it contains a subject-verb agreement error. If it has an error, fill in the blank with the CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB that should have been used according to the rules we’ve learned. If the sentence doesn’t contain an error, write the word “correct” (without quotation marks). Note that there will be at most one error in a sentence even if the sentence contains more than one verb and subject. So, you will only ever need to fill in the blank with one word: the corrected verb or the word “correct.”
 In North America, snow, together with ice and wind, causes problems in the upper Midwest.