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Directions: Step 1: Read the Lesson on Point of View. Step 2: Read…


Step 1: Read the Lesson on Point of View.

Step 2: Read Mark Twain’s, A Dog’s Tale

Step 3: Complete the Lesson 1 Assignment below.

Point of View means that the story is told through the eyes and mouth of a certain person; the story can change considerably, depending on who is telling it.

First-person narrator – Story is told from the inside; the narrator is a participant in the action Narrator is often the protagonist or minor character; we see only what he/she sees, in the way that he/she sees it.

Second-person narrator – the narrator tells the story to another character using “you”; the story is being told through the addressee’s point of view.

Third-person narrator – Usually a nameless narrator who can be identified with the author.

Omniscient narrator – godlike narrator; he/she can enter character’s minds and know everything that is going on, past, present, and future.

Viewpoint character – third-person narration that is limited to the point of view of one character in the novel; may be a protagonist or a minor character.

Objective viewpoint – limited narrative, like a drama; narrator can only describe words and actions that can be seen objectively and cannot get into character’s thoughts

Some authors combine different narration techniques, so it is not limited to one specific type of narration within a novel, etc.

Unit 5: Lesson 1 Assignment

Directions: Respond to the following questions. Your responses should be (5-7 sentences) in length and include contextual evidence.

1. From what point of view is the story narrated? Does the narrator speak in the first person (using “I”) or in the third person?

2. If there is a first-person narrator, is that person (or dog) a major character or a minor character observing the main action?

3. If the narration is in the third person, is the narrator omniscient (able to see anything and tell us what is in the characters’ minds), or is there limited omniscience so that we see into the mind of only one character?

4. Is the point of view objective, so that we see characters only from the outside but do not see into their minds?

5. Does the point of view change in this work? If so, when? Give an example from the text to support your response.