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Directions : Read each scenario. Answer each as best as possible,…

Directions: Read each scenario. Answer each as best as possible, providing detailed descriptions/outlines of your recommendations. When possible, reinforce/make reference to your texts and any concepts that we talked about in class lecture. When referring to text/lecture please follow APA guidelines. 


Scenario 1: 


Misael is a student in your 3rd grade classroom. He is at an Intermediate level of English, according to his TELPAS report from the previous year. You notice that he participates in class and answers questions when asked, however his responses are often limited. He also is writing in his learning journals and participating in group work. While reviewing his morning journal entries for this past week you read the following: 

4 of March del 2020 

Dis wikend ay went to the beach. May mom took us to the ocean big. May sister and ay had fun. Dis time wi were able to play more. Last time may Dad made us leave early. May sister and ay mad a castle big. Den wi ate sanwiches. íIt was a fun! íWi wer so happi! 

Based on Misael’s journal entry, identify one area that he is struggling with.  Then, design an activity that you could conduct to address the area he is having problems with. Provide a list of materials and a step-by-step description of the activity you’d conduct with Misael. 



Scenario 2: 

Tran is a new student in your fifth grade classroom. A recent immigrant, his parents arrived from Japan in the middle of last year. Tran has begun to develop English at a communicative level. Although limited, he can respond to comprehension questions in 2-3 word phrases and can follow directions. For example, when told to get in line, in groups, or to go centers Tran follows through. However, Tran struggles immensely with reading and writing in English. He takes very long to provide responses, if any. In most cases, he can copy from the board/projector but rarely provides his original responses.  In his native language, Tran learned to read from right to left, opposite of English. Furthermore, he also learned to write in columns that run from top to bottom, rather than in paragraphs that run from left to right.  Over all, Tran is confused and stressed.


Describe the best approach to help Tran develop his reading and writing skills in English. 



Scenario 3: 

Mrs. Garcia is a new teacher at your campus.  One day during your conference period, Mrs. Garcia comes to visit you. She shares that she is a bit concerned with 7 of the students in her second grade class. She has observed that several of her students have negative outlooks of themselves and are identifying with the mainstream English culture. They make comments like “I need to learn to speak English because it is better than Spanish.” She also noted that when teaching her assigned subject areas in Spanish (Math and Science) students tend to not want to participate, but when teaching in English (Social Studies and Language Arts)  these 7 students are more engaged and eager to participate in lessons. She asked several students why they don’t like Spanish and 3 of the 7 responded telling her that last year’s teacher told them that speaking English would help them more than Spanish. One told her that her mami and papi say the same thing.  What advice could you give Mrs. Garcia on how to go about helping these students form a positive self-identity? In addition, what can Mrs. Garcia do to help her students learn that acculturation is a better option than assimilation? (Provide a list of 8 suggestions that Mrs. Garcia can use and integrate into her classroom lessons/activities. Support your suggestions with the text.)  Note: Suggestions can be in bullets.


senerio 4 


Mr. Sandoval, your campus principal, has conducted his weekly walk-through of your classroom. During his visit you were conducting centers. Students were working on skills related to language arts (i.e. spelling, grammar, reading, listening, and comprehension). One of your centers was teacher-led. At the time of his walk-through you were working with Antony, Michael, Sarah, and Krystal in the teacher-led center on sentence structure. As part of your explanation, you referred to the students’ native language, comparing and contrasting word order in sentences.

Before Mr. Sandoval left he wrote the following note and left it on your desk: 

                                Thank you for allowing me to visit your classroom. Your students were engaged in their centers. I noticed that they were able to complete the centers with ease, which means that centers are a common practice in your room. I am so happy to see that you are following the district recommendations and using the learning centers during English Language Arts. However, I did have one concern. If this is your designated English Language Arts time, why are you giving Spanish examples in your teacher-led center? Please make it a practice to stick to the language of instruction. 


                                Mr. J. Sandoval

Respond to Mr. Sandoval’s letter justifying your instructional choices. If applicable, use research and cite the text(s) to support your argument.