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ChefSnow17136 Directions :   cause-and-effect essay on one of the following…Directions:  cause-and-effect essay on one of the following topics  as long as it focuses on causes and/or effects : How can one account for the popularity of one of the following topics:  Twitter, Facebook/Instagram, hip-hop or other genre of music, video games, home schooling, reality TV, fast food, anime, or sensationalist tabloids such as the Star?  essay considering remote as well as immediate causes for the success of the phenomenon you choose.Over the years, technology has expanded and enhanced the lives for many people. Although there may be many positive aspects of technology, there are also many negative effects. Choose one of the following topics and discuss how technology has positively and/or negatively affected it:RelationshipsEducationAddictions essay exploring the causes, effects, or both of increased violence by and against children in the United States.Identify a recent news report from a print or online newspaper that you believe will have the power to “change history.” In a cause-and-effect essay, explain why the news report you chose is so powerful and what changes could it make or have impact on.How has the growth of feminism affected various aspects of life but specifically marriage?Racism is still very much prevalent in today’s society and is seen worldwide. What are the causes and/or effects of racism?You may choose your own topic as well, but you need to show a cause and effect relationship within your essay.The cause-and-effect essay must consist of a minimum of four well-developed paragraphs, but no more than six paragraphs, with a stated thesis statement, and no less than two typed pages. Papers should be double-spaced and use Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1-inch margins. Papers must be written in third person point of view. In the top left corner (not in the “header”), you should include your first and last name, my first and last name, the date, ENC 1101 and Essay # 1. The title, which should be original, must be centered but NOT italicized, bolded, underlined, in a different font size, or in quotation marks; also, capitalize the first letter of the important words in your title. Insert your last name and page numbers as a “header” in the top right corner of each additional page. . As a reminder, since this is a formal writing assignment, do not use contractions, slang, and/or   if you are talking to your reader. Additionally, do not use first person-point-of-view (I, me, my, we, our, us) or second person point-of-view (you/your). Arts & HumanitiesEnglish