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Jennious Develop a Well-being plan that supports inclusion, equity, social…Develop a Well-being plan that supports inclusion, equity, social justice and diversity.

Part 1

Briefly describe
a) how the child’s developmental delay or medical condition affects his/her access to and participation in age-appropriate experiences: include any medical history (if relevant, such as physical, hearing, vision, CDC report etc)

Details of child interest & strengths
b) detail what they love to do, who do they enjoy spending time with etc? This will come from the parents and child. (Example: what are the strengths and interests of the child? Reflect on how can you promote them? These will help developing your goals and strategies)

Details of ChildMs Barriers & Needs
c) Consider how the child’s developmental delay or medical condition might affect their access to and participation in your setting. Consider and prioritize the necessary supports that adults need to incorporate for the child to full access and participate freely and equitably in your setting (within a regular early childhood setting with his/her similar-age peers and/or within their home environment.

Details of Other considerations
d) Any allied/health, additional programs, access to external support system, knowledge and financial considerations for the families, etc.

(safety/ health; partnerships with early intervention programs; functional behaviour assessment; private early childhood programs; home visiting; community-based child and family resources (Children’s Integrated Services; transportation; disability awareness; advocacy needs, etc)

Part 2

Develop a plan for inclusion, at a minimum consisting of

A) Briefly describe
How you would gain knowledge of the strategies employed by the parents &
identify their goals/expectations. Include how you would include the child’s
perspectives. This should also include list of any professional resources that may be

B) Describe
The objectives, short term & long-term goals & strategies to support the child.
Include the developmental areas that will addressed. Recognise and build on the child’s strengths to foster child engagement in the
learning process. Consideration of the VEYLDF Practice Principles for Children’s Learning and Development can be applied here.

C) Describe
Suggestions/ strategies for adapting the service to meet the child’s needs

• This could include resources, people & agencies such as the child, the parents,
other children & their parents; government agencies & policies; professional
& specialist advice/therapy; support/resource/social workers; diversity support
and linguistically appropriate information & support; physical resources;
special equipment and activities; training for staff etc.

D) Briefly explain
Suggestions/strategies on how you might deal with interruptions to the strategy/program or changes to the child’s participation &/ or suggestions for how you will engage with the family in the event that the child’s inclusion
cannot begin immediately Safety/health; partnerships with early intervention programs; functional behaviour assessment; private early childhood programs; home visiting;
community-based child and family resources (Children’s Integrated Services;
transportation; disability awareness; advocacy needs, etc.)

E) Briefly explain the role culture/ethnicity/language/socio-economic status/Arts & HumanitiesEnglish