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michelledenisehill Describe the lead-ins in the following paragraphs. Did any of the…Describe the lead-ins in the following paragraphs. Did any of the writers blend more than one kind of lead-in? and explain why you think that way used.1. In the sixth century, Lao-Tzu, the father of Taoism, described the “good traveler” as someone who has “no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” If that ancient Chinese philosopher is correct, then my aimless but eventful wanderings across the South last fall qualify me as a World-Class Traveler. 2. Ever wonder if those long hours hitting the books are worth it? Do grades really matter to employers? According to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the answer is . . . yes. Strong grades and a go-getter attitude are the keys to securing a good job after college. 3. An average can of soda may contain ten or more teaspoons of sugar. If you are one of the college students who drinks a can or two of soda every day, you could be consuming as much as thirty-two pounds of sugar every year! Cutting back on soft drinks is an easy way people can achieve a healthier diet. 4. I used to think bees were my friends. They make the honey I like to eat, and they help pollinate the flowers I like to smell. But after being stung multiple times and spending three days in the hospital last summer, I have come to see the little creatures in a totally different light. For those of us who are allergic to their venom, bees are flying killers whose buzz sends us scurrying for cover. 5. On May 6, 1937, the Hindenburg, a luxurious Ger- man airship with cabins for fifty, exploded into flames as it tried to land in New Jersey, killing thirty-six people and ending zeppelin passenger service forever. Theories about the cause of this mysterious explosion include lightning and static electricity, but the most intriguing explanation involves sabotage and betrayal. Arts & HumanitiesEnglish