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Cultural Self Assessment ,  compare and contrast the two cultural…

Cultural Self Assessment ,  compare and contrast the two cultural groups   Families with Middle Eastern and    Families with African American   on the following: with reference 

What would be the best communication tools to reach the family?
Any other factor(s) which interest you
Describe your personal response to the chapter’s description of your own cultural middle east  background



Criteria Ratings Pts  

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent


4 pts

Full Marks

Deep and insightful analysis of cultural differences related to required and identified factors. Discussion of implications for personal and professional functioning.



3 pts


Adequate analysis of cultural differences related to required and identified factors. Discussion of implications for personal and professional functioning.



2 pts


Partial/Superficial analysis of cultural differences related to required and identified factors.



1 pts


No analysis of cultural differences.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization


4 pts

Full Marks

Writing demonstrates logical, clear structure with unified paragraphs and skillful transitions; well-written introduction and conclusion.



3 pts


Writing strategies for organizing ideas are well suited to the main topic. Paragraphs and transitions are adequately constructed clear and logical.



2 pts


Writing shows basic sense of beginning, middle, and end. Paragraphs are simple, perhaps formulaic. Logical sequence and transitions are evident, but weak.



1 pts


Introduction, content and conclusion are unfocused or absent, ideas may be arranged illogically, without clear paragraph structure or transitions.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDisability and Culture


2 pts

Full Marks

Paper includes how both cultures address family and disability or delays.



1 pts


Paper includes how one cultures address family and disability or delays.



0 pts


Paper does not include how both cultures address family and disability or delays.



2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomebeliefs, values, and practices


2 pts

Full Marks

Paper addresses beliefs, values, and practices, especially those related to causation, disability, and family.



1 pts


Paper addresses beliefs, values, and practices, but does not connect them to disability, and family.



0 pts


Paper does not addresses beliefs, values, and practices, especially those related to causation, disability, and family.



2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomepersonal response


1 pts

Full Marks

Personal response to the chapter’s description of your own cultural background is included



0 pts

No Marks

Personal response to the chapter’s description of your own cultural background is not included



1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomecommunication tools


1 pts

Full Marks

Communication tools to reach the family is included



0 pts

No Marks

Communication tools to reach the family is not included



1 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness


2 pts

Full Marks

Paper is submitted on time



1 pts


Paper is submitted before the end of the module



0 pts

No Marks

Paper is submitted after the end of the module



2 pts
Total Points: 16