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Create a Culturally Diverse  African American Lesson Plan     In…

Create a Culturally Diverse  African American Lesson Plan



In your lesson Consider the following:

The nature of the learner. What do you know about the students’; attitudes, values, and beliefs; learning styles; need for structure; family/peer support groups; a sense of ethnic identity, motivation, self-image,.
The teacher’s scholarly knowledge. What are the key concepts, skills, and understandings to be taught? What are the key questions and issues? What fact and generalizations are most important? What are the important connections between the subject matter and goals of global and multicultural education?
How will you communicate with the family, community? What resources will you need?

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions, student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion.  Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them well enough to use them.  Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Include a few key time guidelines. The lesson plan should be entered into the Diverse Lesson Plan Template. This template will give you suggestions to add into your lesson plan. Follow the template as closely as possible. The template is located in the session 6 folder.

Each lesson plan must include the following information. This plan should be detailed enough that another teacher could take your plan and use it to teach the class.

 The lesson plan should include:

Grade Level
Number of Students
Lesson Goals
Standard(s) Addressed:
Lesson Objectives:
Lesson Considerations
Prior Academic Learning and Prerequisite Skills:
Lesson Plan Details
Lesson Closure
Lesson Extension:
Evidence and Formative Assessment of Student Learning
Alignment with Objectives
Evidence of Student Understanding
Utilizing Knowledge about Students to Plan and Implement Effective Instruction
Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
Explain how your plans linked student’s prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets to new learning
Grouping Strategies:
Planned Supports:
Community, Family Outreach, and Communication





Lesson Plan Rubric-Diverse Lesson Plan


Criteria Ratings Pts  

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating content knowledge and planning for instruction: Central focus/learning goal aligned to NYS learning standard(s)


4 pts

Highly Effective

Central focus/Learning Goal includes basic knowledge and conceptual understanding and higher order thinking skills of subject area and aligns with the learning objective(s). Includes all standards that are central to the learning objective(s) and incorporates cultural diversity.



3 pts


Central focus/Learning Goal includes basic knowledge and conceptual understanding of subject area and aligns with the learning objective(s). Includes standards that are central to the learning objective(s).



2 pts


Central focus/Learning Goal includes basic knowledge of subject area and aligns with the learning objective(s). Includes standards.



1 pts


Central focus/Learning Goal includes only basic knowledge of subject area. Does not include standards.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating planning for instruction and assessment: Lesson objective(s)


4 pts

Highly Effective

Lesson objective(s) identifies what students will learn at what level of knowledge or practice and the observable and measurable behavior that demonstrates learning and includes criteria to indicate how or when the behavior will be observable.



3 pts


Lesson objective(s) identifies what students will learn at what level of knowledge or practice and the observable and measurable behavior that demonstrates learning.



2 pts


Lesson objective(s) identifies what students will learn and the observable and measurable behavior that demonstrates learning.



1 pts


Lesson objective(s) identifies what students will learn.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating content knowledge and application of content: Language demands


4 pts

Highly Effective

Describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective and includes opportunity to understand and use academic language.



3 pts


Describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



2 pts


Partially describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



1 pts


Does not describe the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating content knowledge and application of content: Key vocabulary


4 pts

Highly Effective

Describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective and includes opportunity to understand and use academic language.



3 pts


Describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



2 pts


Partially describes the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



1 pts


Does not describe the oral, visual, receptive, expressive, and written language that students need to understand and use in order to complete the lesson objective.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating learning differences, learning environments, and content knowledge: Resources and materials


4 pts

Highly Effective

Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate and support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s). Resources and materials reflect learners’ interests and/or support self-regulation.



3 pts


Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate and support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



2 pts


Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate but do not support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



1 pts


Resources and materials are not developmentally appropriate and do not support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating learner development and assessment: Prior academic learning and prerequisite skills


4 pts

Highly Effective

Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate and support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s). Resources and materials reflect learners’ interests and/or support self-regulation.



3 pts


Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate and support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



2 pts


Resources and materials are developmentally appropriate but do not support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



1 pts


Resources and materials are not developmentally appropriate and do not support instructional strategies to address the learning objective(s).



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrating ability to assess, plan, and implement instructional strategies: Beginning the lesson/introducing new content/skills


4 pts

Highly Effective

Describes baseline information from pre-assessment(s) that are aligned with stated learning objective(s) and uses that data to identify prerequisite skills and plan instruction to promote the learning of all students.



3 pts


Describes baseline information from pre-assessment(s) that are aligned with stated learning objective(s) and uses that data to identify prerequisite skills and plan instruction.



2 pts


Describes baseline information from pre-assessment(s); however, specific data is missing or pre-assessment and prerequisite skills do not align with stated learning objective(s).



1 pts


Pre-assessment information or prerequisite skills are missing.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUsing Knowledge of Children to Inform Teaching and Learning


4 pts

Highly Effective

Candidate justifies why learning tasks (or their adaptations)are developmentally appropriate using examples of children’s personal, cultural, or community assets. Candidate makes superficial connections to research and/or developmental theory.



3 pts


Candidate justifies learning tasks with limited attention to children’s personal, cultural, or community assets.



2 pts


Candidate’s justification of learning tasks either is missing OR represents a deficit view of children and their backgrounds.



1 pts


No insight into the issues.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiversity and Culture


4 pts

Highly Effective

The lesson contains an in-depth exploration of an element of a culture explored in the cultural self-assessment on an age-appropriate level. It does not involve a holiday or food .



3 pts


The lesson contains an in-depth exploration of an element of a culture explored in the cultural self-assessment on an age-appropriate level. It does involve a holiday or food



2 pts


The lesson contains an exploration of an element of a culture explored in the cultural self-assessment on an age-appropriate level but it is not explored completely or in an age-appropriate way.



1 pts


The lesson does not contain an exploration of an element of a culture explored in the cultural self-assessment.



4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness


4 pts

Full Marks

Document is posted by the assigned Session



3 pts



2 pts



1 pts


Paper is late



4 pts
Total Points: 40