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could you please help me revise the essay below and. one up with a…

could you please help me revise the essay below and. one up with a title for it? and help me fixing these problems 5. Substantiation and proof: Present and develop your own case. Carefully plan your disclosure; avoid logical fallacies. Rely primarily on reasoning for your appeal and use emotional appeals carefully. Use examples, facts, experts, and statistics. Develop your argument using the appropriate prose strategy (e.g., causal analysis, comparison, analogies, definitions). 6. Conclusion: Conclude with conviction. Review your main points and state your claims strongly. Make a strong plea for action or invite your readers to refute your argument.


and help me to pull the audience and explain whose its being addressed. ” Select a suitable audience: readers who care about the issue, but who would not completely agree with your thesis. Underneath your title, form a brief description of your audience. A vague audience like “general public” cannot be used, nor can one that already agrees with you on the issue. ”




(This is the essay that needs the revision)





 The burning of fossil fuels results in the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This release is one of the factors that contributes to the phenomenon that is known as global warming. This phenomenon has a significant influence on the natural world and is responsible for a number of other occurrences, including the deterioration of weather patterns, the rise in sea levels, and the loss of ecosystems. In addition, this phenomena is the root cause of the phenomenon that is referred to as the warming of the planet as a whole. One of the things that contributes to the phenomenon known as “global warming” is the burning of fossil fuels for energy production.



  If we wish to put an end to the phenomenon of global warming, it is vitally important that decisive action be taken as early as possible to minimize our usage of fossil fuels. Only then will we be able to stop this phenomenon. We can work toward a future that is more secure and sustainable for both the present generation and the generations to follow if we encourage behaviors that are ecologically responsible, make investments in renewable energy sources, and support policies that cut down on carbon emissions. This will allow us to strive toward a future that is more secure and sustainable for the environment. It is possible to achieve this goal by lowering the quantity of carbon emissions that are permitted to be released into the atmosphere. Because of this, we will be in a position to assure a better future not just for the generation that is now living but also for generations to come. This will be beneficial for all future generations.



  This presentation is going to be made to significant decision-makers from all over the globe, including the heads of state of some of the most major industrialized nations, such as the United States of America, China, and India. These people have the power to institute new policies and bring about change. Along with the political pressure that comes from voters and interest groups, there is a good chance that these leaders will be swayed by economic concerns as well. The likelihood of this happening is considerable. This should be considered a different component from the political pressure that is brought on by interest groups.



  It is quite likely that the leaders of industrialized nations are more concerned with the growth and improvement of their economies than they are with issues that are linked to the state of the environment that they are surrounded by in terms of its health. They may be reluctant to make big changes to their economies out of the worry that doing so may hinder their capacity to effectively compete on the global arena. One possible reason for this reluctance is the fear that doing so could hinder their ability to successfully compete on the global arena. The worry that doing so would restrict their ability to successfully compete with other businesses is one of the likely motivations for this reluctance. Additionally, because to the political pressure that comes from interest organizations such as the fossil fuel industry, it could be difficult to fight for real legislative reforms to be implemented. This is because of the political pressure that comes from interest groups. This is due to the fact that powerful interest groups are able to exercise political influence due to the power they possess.



  It is possible that in order to make the solution that has been offered more persuasive, it will be required to stress the financial advantages of making the transition to renewable energy sources and implementing policies to reduce carbon emissions. This is something that has been considered as a possibility. To ensure that the solution is accepted by the majority of people, it is necessary to carry out this step. It is most possible that carrying out such an action is necessary in order to satisfy the conditions of the solution that has been presented in order to resolve the issue. For example, making financial investments in renewable energy may lead to economic expansion, the creation of new employment opportunities, and a reduced dependency on oil imported from other nations. All of these outcomes are the kinds of things that one ought to strive towards. Concerns about the predicted repercussions of policy changes on certain segments of the economy or groups of people may also need to be addressed, and stakeholders may need the engagement of one another in order to produce solutions that are both successful and equitable.