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Complete the following activities: 1.      Carefully read the…

Complete the following activities:

1.      Carefully read the following scenario


Healthy Lives is an innovative, progressive organisation with a focus on assisting older people and people with disability to live enriched lives of their choosing. 

You are the recently appointed Community Services Manager for the organisation responsible for leading and managing a team of Support Leaders and Support Workers. 

Healthy Lives is committed to ensuring a healthy and harmonious workplace. Therefore, an important part of your role is evaluating and promoting diversity.

2.      Develop a Diversity Report.


As part of your role, you have been asked to research diversity in the workplace and prepare a report (a minimum of 500 words).

You will need to review all the information provided in the CHCDIV003 Simulation Pack:

·           Healthy Lives Profile

·           Healthy Lives Diversity Policy (including diversity objectives)

·           Healthy Lives Staff Profile

·           Healthy Lives Staff Survey

·           Healthy Lives Client Profile.

Once you are familiar with Healthy Lives, use the Internet and conduct research into the benefits of diversity, as well as typical workplace diversity statistics. Make sure you research Australian authoritative sources of information (for example, government information, industry information and so on). 

Use the Diversity Report Template and: 

·           evaluate the current diversity profile of Healthy Lives’ staff in comparison to current general workplace statistics

·           evaluate the current diversity profile of Healthy Lives’ clients 

·           evaluate the attitudes of Healthy Lives employees to diversity

·           outline at least five benefits of diversity 

·           discuss the importance of diversity factors associated with colleagues and clients 

·           evaluate how Healthy Lives’ current diversity practices and performance align with its diversity objectives.



3.      Prepare to foster diversity and contribute to workplace diversity policies and procedures.



You are required to prepare a coaching session for your team that addresses the following:

·           How to accept and promote the benefits of diversity.

·           The diversity factors associated with colleagues and clients and how these can be harnessed to meet workplace diversity objectives.

·           An outline of the current diversity performance.

·           Recommended diversity strategies.

·           Recommended evaluation measures for assessing the performance of diversity strategies.

You should use the findings from your Diversity Report to assist you with developing the session.

As you develop the session, you will also need to consider how you will:

·           use communication strategies and resources to meet diverse needs of your team

·           encourage collaboration by seeking feedback on your proposed diversity strategies, as well as your team’s own ideas

·           role model behaviour that demonstrates respect for diversity

·           ensure the environment is supportive for attendees.  

Ensure the coaching session addresses all of the above. You can develop the session in a format of your choice (for example, you may like to create a presentation, develop handouts and so on) – make sure that you apply diverse communication strategies.

Your assessor will advise you of the date and time for the session and they will role play another manager at Healthy Lives. 

Your assessor will also invite at least two of your fellow students to role play team members who are support leaders. They will brief students prior as to their role. 

4.      Conduct coaching session.


Now you will conduct the coaching session you have prepared. Make sure you have all the resources you have developed to run your session. Arrive at the session at the time and date indicated by your assessor. 

You will need to present your session and:

·           use communication strategies and resources to meet the diverse needs of your team

·           encourage collaboration by seeking feedback on your proposed diversity strategies, as well as your team’s own ideas 

·           role model behaviour that demonstrates respect for diversity

·           ensure the environment is supportive for attendees.    

You will be assessed on all of the above, as well as the content you are delivering during your session. 

At the end of the session, you will need to ask your attendees for feedback on your recommended diversity strategies. Also seek their ideas, as you will need to document them in the next activity.

Take notes. Feel free to ask additional questions of the attendees if something they contribute is not clear, or if it brings up more questions or thoughts. 

5.      Contribute to workplace diversity policies and procedures.


Now that the coaching session is complete, your next job is to contribute to workplace diversity policies and procedures by doing the following:

·           Developing a Diversity Plan using the Diversity Plan Template.

·           Developing a supporting email that advocates for the implementation of these strategies. This email can be developed and submitted in a Word document. 

Submit these documents to your assessor.

6.      Reflect on your communication strategies.


Write a short reflection (approximately 300 words) on the communication strategies you used during the coaching session and how you felt they worked. Think critically about your performance – what would you improve if you had to deliver the same session in the future? 

Save this document as Reflection and submit it to your assessor.

7.      Provide mentoring. 


After your experience during the coaching session, you have decided that mentoring, specifically ‘mentoring circles’, will be an additional way to facilitate diversity within Healthy Lives. 

Develop at least two questions pertaining to diversity that can be used as an opportunity for participants to share their experiences at the mentoring circle.  

Your assessor will determine a date and time for the mentoring circle and other students in the mentoring circle will also present their topics for discussion. 

Your assessor will play the same role (another Healthy Lives manager) and will put forth their own topics for the group to discuss.

The mentoring circle will last for about 20 minutes and each person will have up to five minutes to ask their questions and share ideas. 

During the mentoring circle, you will also need to:

·           use communication strategies to meet the diverse needs of those involved in the mentoring circle

·           encourage collaboration by seeking feedback on your questions 

·           role model behaviour that demonstrates respect for diversity  

·           ensure the environment is supportive for all participants. 

Following the mentoring circle, develop a Mentoring Circle Reflection Report. This report will need to include:

·           the questions you developed and asked 

·           the feedback you received from your questions

·           the feedback you gave to participants’ questions

·           a reflection on your experience, including the effectiveness of the communication strategies you used.


Submit your Mentoring Circle Reflection Report to your assessor.