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EarlScorpion3193     Check my essay  My essay:   The Inspiring Journeys of… Image transcription textERWC 22-23 Into the Wild Summative Writing Task Jon Krakauerfirst wrote an article for Outside Magazine to report on thepuzzling circumstances of Christopher McCandless’ d… Show more… Show more Image transcription textFeatures of a ‘Good Human Interest Article Adapted from MatrixEducations How to Write an Amazing Feature Article in 5 Steps Ahuman interest article is an interesting story about so… Show more… Show moreCheck my essay My essay: The Inspiring Journeys of Christopher McCandless and JerryChristopher McCandless was an enigmatic man with an intense passion for living an idealistic life. This young man was brave enough to choose to live a fulfilling and unspoiled life, rather than living with his family in the convenient present-day. To many people, he might seem like an impulsive, delusional, and ignorant person with nothing better to do with his life. But is he really a reckless person? No. McCandless had a purpose to his itinerant and inspired many people to live a satisfying life. This is similar to my online friend named Jerry, who graduated high school in Texas. After graduating, he wanted to live independently and explore new places. Jerry had many places in mind that he wanted to go, such as New York, Massachusetts, or Florida. However, ultimately, he chose California as his next destination, and he wanted to go to UCLA. However, his family believed it was too reckless and risky for him. They thought he was too young to take care of himself, and that living alone in a new place was unsafe for a high school kid.In the story of the author Jon Krakauer, McCandless grew up in a wealthy family in Washington, D.C., and was a very studious student. He was part of the National Honor Society in high school, and was able to go to Emory University. After graduating with a 3.72 GPA, double majoring in anthropology and history, he decided to take a different path from others. He left his family and started his journey by exploring the United States, then eventually wanted to travel the whole world. Thus, the reason for his path was to escape the materialistic society and pursue his freedom. Jerry was also an outstanding student with outstanding grades. He believed living independently in a new environment would allow him to grow faster and be more mature. He chose California to live because that was where he was born. Filled with determination, he worked hard to prove himself to his parents.This unconventional individual would wish to be unencumbered, making society turn away from him. He believes that material possessions are unimportant, and he doesn’t like the structure of this society. Throughout his journey of traveling, he lives off of what he finds and settles at places he encounters. Exploring all of the terrains in the U.S., he also reached Alaska and saw some majestic sceneries. But with all these beautiful sceneries, it came with many struggles that McCandless had to go through. His experiences allow him to attain the abilities and skills needed to survive in the wilderness. His volition and courage empowered him to face all the risks and dangers in the path he had chosen, even though humans, in general, have physical limitations. However, the most important thing is that he decided to live his dream life, and he was not afraid of society’s judgment for living an ascetic life. Equally important, his embracement of the wilderness is admirable, and his enthusiasm will always be an insurrectionist. On the other hand, Jerry’s journey was not as adventurous as McCandless’s, but he worked hard to prove to his family how independent he was. For example, during high school, he maintained his high grades while working as a waiter in a local restaurant on weekends and holidays, and also attending sports and clubs at school. Even though it could sometimes be frustrating, Jerry was still determined to keep his intentions and purposes.  McCandless had a complex mentality. His lifestyle might seem peaceful, but he did experience joy and sorrow at times. Although he might seem taciturn and enigmatic at first, apart from that, he inspired many with his passion and determination. He also had much humor and even said it himself, “Happiness is only real when shared” (Krakauer, p. 58). This showed that even though he was living an independent life in the wild, he still interacted with people, and even supported the idea of sharing experiences to form happiness. Like McCandless, even though living independently can sometimes isolate you from the world, Jerry did not isolate himself but enjoyed spending time with his friends and family. To sum up everything about McCandless, he desired to live a copious life out of the ordinary. He liked to discover the outside world. In his own words, he said, “alive, living on the edge with no fear of death” (Krakauer, p. 6). This showed that he was not afraid to choose this path, and he was still standing through all these dangers that he had to face. In addition, with all the judgments from society, he had proven that he was not scared of anything. While with Jerry, after many years of hard work during his high school years, he successfully convinced his parents to let him go to California. Jerry chose this path because he was ambitious to pursue his dream life, just like McCandless.Today, many people of all ages are still inspired by McCandless’ story. His story encourages people to live the life they want and not be afraid of risks and judgments. Like my friend Jerry, he knows what he wants and will pursue it with no fear. Though McCandless’s life was short, it’s a great example to many young people who are still afraid to step out of their comfort zone. To everyone, especially younger people, you should take McCandless’s story as an example if you ever feel discouraged from pursuing your goals, dreams, or adventures. However, while taking risks can be exhilarating experiences, it is important to be cautious and mindful of those who care about you. Epigraph: “The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure.” – Christopher McCandless Fun Fact: “I have had a happy life and thank the Lord. Goodbye and may God bless all!” was his last words. Arts & HumanitiesEnglish