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If you are interested in entrepreneurship, please briefly describe your business idea you would like to fulfill during or after your time at GSU.



As aspirant health care worker am so much interested in entrepreneurship and i would happy to share my business idea with during or after my graduation from GSU.

 As we can all is now entrepreneurship is the order of day, because now people want to be independent their own business and a lot of  people have realized that is the fastest way to make your business known to the world.

And for me i would like to describe my business ideas in the following ways.

Home Health Services: I would like to  start my business that provides in home healthcare services to the elderly or disable individuals who will need special care.

This can include services such as nursing care, medication management , physical therapy, and companionship.

 Medical equipment rental: Today this is flourishing business across the globe especial since the inception of covid 19, and  I could remember fully that during those days sometimes difficult to have max N95 or CPAP max and even ventilators across the globe.

I will not venture into only this equipment to but also including other essential health needs such as wheelchair, hospital bed and other mobility aids.

Am confident that anytime I get into this business I will make positive impact on many people and create employment for others too.

Health coaching : i would like to get into this type of business where i will serve personalize health coaching service to individual looking to improve their overall wellbeing. This is  a business which people back in African needs because i have seen a lot of gaps in this area sometime people all the recourses, but they lack the idea on how to invent such lucrative business for the general population.


Health and wellness product: for health and wellness product would like to create my  own company as main supplier to my home country and the reason why i said in my home  country number people going for health and wellness product are on increase on daily  basis but the but one the challenges, they are facing right now is the quality of the product which endo of disappoint them.

And for i want to come with new idea where i want to establish my own business and become principal supplier from the United States to Africa  and this work find because product from the united state are unsustainable when it comes to quality.

And I will establish fitness center and where i will involve stake holders, community members and  other foreign institution who are residing in my country for mission , international tourist o international diplomats and many other service personnel.

My wish is to give them quality service which used to in their various countries. 

Diagnostic center:  investing in medical diagnostic center is  my top priority when am done with my studies. For me personally i believe venturing  into this business will not only give me money but it will improve the peoples health and timely treatment can take before it get late.

As a internationals student from developing country, will be every to establish this business because i have  witnessed a lot of  cases where my country could not afford certain testes for people until they have to travel to another country and do the test there which does not favor people economically but I have the confident that when I establish this intuition and start diagnosing advance diseases it will more people and even foreign investors to sign contract with me to run their tests at all time.

Inconclusion, i believe business is the only to go and for me before after my graduation i have already the types of business am going to t[and these are some of  them i have mentioned and am sure each  and every one of the i have mentioned are going to be good initiative  for my business.