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1.All Perimeter Students: Please write an essay (minimum of 300 words) detailing your educational and career goals.

Pursuing Educational and Career Goals in Respiratory Therapy.

As an international student, I have embarked on a journey to pursue my educational and career goals in the field of respiratory therapy. With a background as a registered nurse in my home country, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact of COVID-19 on the respiratory system. This experience has inspired me to specialize in respiratory therapy, as I believe it is a critical area where I can make a significant difference in patient care and outcomes.

Educational Goals:

My primary educational goal is to complete a comprehensive respiratory therapy program that equips me with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in this field. Through rigorous coursework, hands-on training, and clinical experiences, I aim to deepen my understanding of respiratory disorders, diagnostic techniques, therapeutic interventions, and patient management. I am committed to actively engaging in my studies, staying updated with the latest advancements in respiratory care, and maintaining a strong academic standing throughout my program.

Career Goals:

Upon completion of my respiratory therapy program, my ultimate career goal is to work as a skilled and compassionate respiratory therapist. I aspire to contribute to the well-being of individuals suffering from respiratory ailments, empowering them to lead healthier lives. Whether in a hospital setting, rehabilitation center, or home healthcare environment, I aim to provide comprehensive respiratory care that encompasses assessment, treatment, and ongoing support. I am particularly interested in specializing in critical care and working with patients in intensive care units, as I believe this is an area where I can have a profound impact on patient outcomes and quality of life.

Furthermore, I am eager to engage in professional development opportunities, such as attending conferences and workshops, joining relevant associations, and pursuing certifications in specialized areas within respiratory therapy. By constantly expanding my knowledge base and refining my skills, I can offer the highest standard of care to my patients and advance in my career.


In conclusion, my educational and career goals revolve around specializing in respiratory therapy to address the complex challenges posed by respiratory disorders. By completing a comprehensive respiratory therapy program and continuously updating my knowledge and skills, I aim to become a competent and compassionate respiratory therapist. 


2.All Perimeter Students: Please write an essay (maximum of 500 words) describing a recent community service or volunteer service activity that you participated in.

My recent volunteer experience in the school community garden and mental health awareness.

Community service has always been close to my heart and recently, i had the opportunity to contribute to two  impactful initiatives simultaneously.

Through my involvement in the school community garden and  mental health awareness campaigns, I don’t only witness the  transformative power of  nurturing nature but also realize the significance of fostering  open conversations around  mental well-being.

This essay explores, my recent  volunteer service  activity, highlighting the profound impact it had on both the community and myself.

 The school  community garden serves as a vibrant hub where students, teachers and community member came together to grow fresh produce, foster environmental stewardship, and promote sustainable practices.

As volunteer, i actively participated in various task such as planting, weeding watering and harvesting crops. The garden created a nurturing space, not only for plants but also for individual to connect with nature and each other.

By engaging in hands on gardening activities, I witnessed the positive effects it had on the students’ well-being.

The garden provides them with a scene of responsibility and accomplishment as they watched their efforts blossom into tangible result.

Moreover, working collectively in the garden in the garden fostered teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skill among the participants, creating a strong sense of community and empowerment.

Mental health campaigns experience.

In conjunction with my involvement in the  school community garden, i also dedicated my time to rising awareness about mental health is a topic often clouded by  stigma and misconceptions, making it essential to initiate open conversation and provide support to those in need.

I participated very well through workshop, presentations, and interactive session, we focused on destigmatizing mental health, promoting self-care strategies, and promoting self-car strategies, and providing resources for individual struggling with their mental health, addressing topic such as stress management, anxiety, and depression. This initiative aimed to create a safe space for individual to share their experience, seek guidance, and learn coping mechanism.

The impact of these campaigns was both visible and profound. We witnessed a positive shift in attitudes toward mental health, with increased awareness and acceptance within the community.

The impact of these campaign was both visible and  profound. We witnessed a positive shit in attitudes toward a mental health, with increased awareness and acceptance within the community.

Many individuals  felt empowered to seek  help and support, and the initiatives served as reminder that no one should face mental health challenges alone.

Inconclusion  volunteering  for school garden and mental health  awareness campaign has been an immensely gratifying experience.

 By nurturing the environment and fostering open conversations around mental well-being, i witnessed firsthand the transformative power of community service. The school community garden did not only provide a platform for individual to connect with nature but also fostered a sense of belonging and empowerment.




3.All Perimeter Students: Please write an essay (maximum of 500 words) describing your interest in the study of African American life and culture.

the study of  American life and culture serves as a  vibrant tapestry that weaves together the rich history, struggles, accomplishment, and  expression of a  resilient community. Rooted in a legacy of systemic oppression, the exploration of American life and culture she light on the diverse experiences, contributions and aspiration of people who have shaped the fabric of American society.

The civil right. Movement, led by prominent figures such as a testament to their unweaving determination and struggle for freedom.

My interest in the study of African American life and culture stems from a deep appreciation for the resilience, creativity, and contribution of this vibrant community. As i h explore the historical struggles and triumphs of African American i am captivated by their unwavering  determination in the face of adversity.

The journey  from slavery to the civil right movement serves as a testament to their indomitable spirit and fight for justice.

Moreover, I am fascinated by. The artistic expressions that emanate from African American culture.

The soul-stirring melodies of Jazz and blues, the powerful prose of authors like James Baldwin, and the thought-provoking artwork of Romare Bearden all bear witness to the unique experience and prospective of African America.

These artistic forms not only reflect their struggles but also celebrate their identity and resilience.

After studying  African American life and culture, i now realized that these people are full of potential most especially their forefathers who were the first generation slave trade, because they stood very firm to make sure their history is well known to every individual and through their collective efforts today African American can stand and proudly say their history and the contribution they have done to national development.

Furthermore, I fine the sense of  community within African culture incredibly inspiring. The establishment of historically black college and university, the formation social organizations and  the role of churches as pillars of support demonstrate the collective strength and unity within this community. Through my studies, i am to gain a deeper understanding of the important of community and its impact on shaping African American life

Lastly, my interest in the study of African American  life and culture is driven by. A desire to contribute to the ongoing dialogued on social justice. By examining the historical and contemporary  issues faced by African American i hope to play part in challenging systemic racism and promoting  equality. The study of African American life and culture provides a platform for amplifying marginalize voice and advocating for change.

Inconclusion, my interest in the study of African American life and culture stems from an admiration for the resilience, artistic expression, sense of community, and the potential for social  change within this vibrant community. By exploring  their history, art and struggles, i aim to gain a deeper appreciating for their contribution and actively  contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.





4.All Perimeter Students: Please submit an essay (maximum 500 words) that describes how you will contribute to diversity at Perimeter College.

Embracing diversity

Perimeter college, with its commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment, present an opportunity for me to contribute to the diversity that enriches the campus community. 

As an international student from Gambia, my presence at Perimeter College would greatly contribute to the diversity and cultural richness of the institution. Your unique background, experiences, and perspectives would enhance the learning environment and foster a more inclusive community. Here’s how I could contribute:

One of the ways I aim to contribute to diversity at perimeter college is by actively embracing cultural exchange.

I believe that by engaging with student from various backgrounds, i can broaden my own perspectives and develop a deeper understanding of different cultures. I  will actively seek out opportunities to participate in cultural event, clubs and organizations that celebrate diversity on campus. By fostering an environment of openness and respect, i hope to encourage dialogue and collaboration among students from diverse backgrounds.



Promoting Inclusivity 

I am committed to promoting inclusivity and ensuring that all students feel welcome and valued at Perimeter College. I will actively engage in activities that support underrepresented groups, such as attending workshops, seminars, or conferences focused on diversity and inclusion. Additionally, I plan to join or initiate student-led initiatives that promote awareness, acceptance, and dialogue on topics related to diversity. By actively participating in these efforts, I aim to create a safe and inclusive space where students can freely express their thoughts, experiences, and identities.

Global Perspective: 

Coming from Gambia, i would bring a distinct global perspective to discussions and classroom activities. Your experiences of growing up in a different country, facing unique challenges, and embracing diverse values would broaden the horizons of your peers. My insights into global issues and perspectives would enrich class discussions, enabling students to see beyond their local context.


Advocating for Equity 

Another crucial aspect of contributing to diversity at Perimeter College is advocating for equity. I intend to become involved in student organizations or initiatives that address social justice issues and strive for equal opportunities for all students. By amplifying marginalized voices and advocating for policies that promote fairness, I aspire to contribute to a more equitable campus environment. I will actively support initiatives that address systemic barriers and work towards creating a level playing field for all students, regardless of their background or identity.

In conclusion, my commitment to contributing to diversity at Perimeter College is driven by a genuine appreciation for the transformative power of inclusivity and cultural exchange. Through actively embracing cultural exchange, promoting inclusivity, and advocating for equity, I aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all students. By fostering a campus community that celebrates diversity, I believe we can enhance the educational experience for everyone and prepare ourselves to be compassionate and globally engaged individuals. At Perimeter College, I am excited to contribute my efforts towards building a diverse and inclusive community that empowers every student to thrive.

6.Please submit an essay (maximum 500 words) describing life in your native country and why you or your family chose to come to the United States. What do you hope to achieve and how will your studies at Perimeter help you reach your goals?

Life in the Gambia, a small country in west Africa, is characterized by vibrant culture, warm hostility and close-knit communities that is why is numinously call the smiling coast of Africa.

Gambia is country whose economy lies on agriculture, tourism, and remittances from Gambian living in diaspora.

However limited opportunities political instability and inadequate infrastructure pose challenges for many citizens.

In my family case, we chose to move to the United States seeking better opportunities and higher standard of living. We are motivated by the desire to access quality education, healthcare and employment prospect that were not readily available in the Gambia.

Additionally United States offered a more stable  political environment and a diverse society that promote inclusivity.

Pursuing studies at perimeter college, I hope to achieve several goals. Firstly , I aim to obtain a solid education that equip me with the knowledge and skill necessary for professional success. 

Perimeter college’s  academic programs provide a strong foundation in various discipline, enabling me to explore different field of study and identify my true passion.


Furthermore, i aspire to contribute to the  development of my home country. Gaining knowledge and  expertise in my chosen field will allow me to make a positive impact in the Gambia by implementing sustainable solutions to address social, economic, health and environmental challenges.

At perimeter college there is wide range of  resources such as libraries, research facilities , and academic support services are perimeter college enhances the  educational experience  and enable student to excel in their studies.

There are other learning opportunities at tat all perimeter campus, which tutoring center. this department is very important when it comes to student success at perimeter college.

Perimeter college can help me reach this goal through its comprehensive academic curriculum and supporting learning environment.

The  college’s faculty members are renowned experts in their respective fields, offering valuable guidance and mentorship.

Additionally , the college’s diverse student body fosters cross-cultural understanding and collaboration, enabling me to broaden my perspective and develop global awareness.

Furthermore, Georgia state university perimeter college provides numerous resources and opportunities for internship, research and community engagement.

This experience  will enhance my practical skills, expand my professional network and allow me to apply classroom knowledge  to real world scenarios.

In conclusion ,I envision myself returning to the Gambia equip with knowledge, skills and experience gained from my studies at perimeter college.

I  hope to contribute to the growth and development of my home country by working in areas such as sustainable development, education, health, or public policy.

Through these endeavors, I aim to empower individuals, uplift communities, and create a brighter future for the Gambia.