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Can you make another one of the example shown below. The topic is…

Can you make another one of the example shown below. The topic is the same. The use of rap lyrics in trials.

This is an example:

Kevin Vega
Instructor Mendoza
English 2
17 September 2022
The Use of Rap Lyrics in Trials
Thesis: Therefore, rap lyrics should not be used as evidence in a trial because it violates the
defendant’s First Amendment rights.
Location 4: From The Conversation website
Neilson, Erik. “Prosecutors Are Increasingly – and Misleadingly – Using Rap Lyrics as Evidence
in Court.” The Conversation, The Conversation US, Inc. 17 Mar. 2020,
Location 2: From EBSCOhost database
Watt, Melissa, and Raika Casey. “Rap Music on Trial: Art or Confession?” Young Lawyer, vol.
26, no. 4, Summer 2022, p. 3. EBSCOhost,
Location 1: From Canvas Module
Younger, Briana. “The Controversial Use of Rap Lyrics as Evidence.” The New Yorker, Conde
Nast, 19 Sept. 2019,




 A minimum of two sources for evidence from the following [from different locations below; this way you get to practice using varying sources]. Three sources maximum, again, each location can be used one time, only:

Location 1: The article, “The Controversial Use of Rap Lyrics as Evidence” by Briana Younger (see above for the link to the article).


Location 2:  An article from EBSCOHost or Proquest Newspapers, or Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context Databases.  Click here to access these databases: to an external site. Make sure there is a pdf or HTML copy of the article. Download the article so you can find it later!  Make sure the article is published within the last 10 years and has a listed author. The evidence should meet the Standards of Critical Thinking: a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal or periodical, such as a magazine or newspaper. Do not use book reviews, editorials, or commentaries, or anything from a wire service, which includes University Wire. Make sure the source is at least 750 words in length. [Do not use Google or any other search engine; use the databases that your tuition pays for!]
Here is the link to get to the Hartnell Library Resources: to an external site.
Understand that because of the ransomware attack on Hartnell last semester, we will need to access the databases using the username and passwords provided below if you are off campus.  There are also videos to assist you as well on the next module page.  

EBSCOhost Database:

The temporary username: summer2023

The temporary password:  O$car411