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Can you Improved the critique essay based on this points: The…

Can you Improved the critique essay based on this points:

The thesis needs to be clear with 3 specific points of critique that comment on the effectiveness of the article. Place it at the end of your intro.
Each response should focus on one specific point that you mentioned in the thesis. Write a clear topic sentence and provide examples and analysis to comment on the effectiveness. Analysis of the sources required to show how your primary source is effective.
Organize the response segments into 1 or 2 clearly identified paragraphs with headings.
Check the reference for correct APA/


In the ever-evolving landscape of professional aspirations, Generation Z (Gen Z) is making a significant impact by challenging the established norms and disrupting the definition of prestigious jobs. Authored by Meridith Turits, the thought-provoking article titled “How Gen Z’s are Disrupting the Definition of Prestigious Jobs” delves into the transformative power of this emerging generation and their reevaluation of what constitutes a prestigious career. It examines the transformative power of this emerging generation and their reevaluation of what constitutes a prestigious career.



On April 26, 2023, Meridith Turits published an essay titled “How Gen Z are Disrupting the Definition of Prestigious Jobs,” which explores the paradigm shift launched by Generation Z (Gen Z) in redefining the notion of “prestigious” jobs. It throws light on the prevalent pressures that young professionals experience to pursue employment in traditional high-status fields whilst dealing with the challenging demands of technology. Many young workers now prioritize factors like corporate values, flexibility, autonomy, and work-life balance over purely financial success or industry reputation. This shift may be influenced by the changing availability of online job information and alternative career paths.



The article presents a rational, fair, and reasonable argument supported by various elements. Firstly, the inclusion of actual experiences and quotations from Generation Zers offers valuable insights into their thoughts on prestigious employment and changing priorities. By using their voices and experiences, the article gains legitimacy and reflects the perspectives of the target demographic.

The article also recognizes the impact of evolving job search processes and information access on how prominent jobs are perceived. This acknowledgement of societal and technological developments lends weight to the argument, explaining why younger generations are redefining what they consider respectable in their careers.

Reasonable individuals are likely to agree with the author because the article acknowledges the changing values and priorities of future generations. It recognizes that Gen Z and millennial workers are reshaping the concept of prestige by emphasizing factors like corporate values, flexibility, autonomy, and work-life balance. This alignment with broader cultural trends reflects a growing appreciation for overall well-being and personal fulfillment in one’s profession.

The inclusion of firsthand accounts and statements from Gen Zers humanizes the argument, making it relatable to readers who have witnessed similar shifts in viewpoints among young workers. These personal tales add credibility and authenticity, making the argument more compelling to rational readers.

Additionally, the study conducted by Aruldoss et al. (2022), emphasizing the significance of work-life balance for individuals, organizations, and society, supports the relevance of the article. It bolsters the connection to articles addressing employees stuck in their current jobs due to limited opportunities in their field.

Furthermore, the article’s recognition of shifting job search techniques and information availability, backed by the survey conducted by Karácsony, Izsák, & Vasa (2020), resonates with sensible individuals who understand the impact of technology and the internet. This acknowledgment underscores the importance of accessible online platforms and tools, empowering individuals to explore diverse career pathways, industries, and firms, leading to more informed decisions about their professional lives.


While the article provides valuable insights into the attitudes of the Z Generation towards job searching through social media, it has notable weaknesses. One significant limitation is the lack of discussion about the potential disadvantages or challenges associated with choosing non-traditional career pathways. The omission of this aspect may lead some readers to question the comprehensiveness of the argument. In contrast, another article by Krishna Reddy encourages individuals to pursue non-traditional careers but also acknowledges the obstacles they may encounter when transitioning from a traditional path. This missing piece, present in Reddy’s article but absent in the study, could provide a more balanced perspective on the topic.



All in all, the article “How Gen Z’s are Disturbing the Meaning of Renowned Positions” by Meridith Turits gives a provocative assessment of the significant effect that Age Z is having on the traditional comprehension of esteemed vocations. Through their reexamination of what comprises proficient achievement, Gen Z is testing well-established standards and making ready for a more moderate and comprehensive meaning of eminence.

Turits proficiently explores the intricacies of this change in perspective, exhibiting how Gen Z’s accentuation on corporate qualities, adaptability, independence, and balance between fun and serious activities is reshaping the expert scene. The creator’s proof upheld contentions features the changing accessibility of occupation data and the impact of elective profession ways, highlighting the generational variables powering this extraordinary development.

The disruption caused by Generation Z cannot be understated in a world where the pursuit of personal fulfillment is increasingly valued. Through their unmistakable qualities and desires, they are reshaping the expert scene and moving an age to rethink accomplishment in their specific manner.




Aruldoss, A., Kellyann, B. K., Miranda, L. T., & Parayitam, S. (2022). The relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction: moderating role of training and development and work environment. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 19(2), 240-271.

Karácsony, P., Izsák, T., & Vasa, L. (2020). ATTITUDES OF Z GENERATION TO JOB SEARCHING THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA. Economics & Sociology, 13(4), 227-240.

Reddy, K. (2016, July 1). Non Traditional Career: Meaning, Benefits and Disadvantages. WiseStep.